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All abstracts by Adam P. Hitchcock in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2013) Cd Mobility in Anoxic Fe-Mineral-Rich Environments – Potential Use of Fe(III)-Reducing Bacteria for Soil Remediation
Muehe EM, Adaktylou IJ, Obst M, Schröder C, Behrens S, Hitchcock AP, Tyliszczak T, Krämer U & Kappler A

(2012) Spatial Distribution of As(V) in Cell-Mineral Aggregates Formed by NO3--reducing Fe(II)-oxidizing Bacteria
Obst M, Loesekann-Behrens T, Behrens S, Kappler A, Pantke C, Tylisczcak T & Hitchcock AP

(2012) Magnetism of Individual Magnetosomes in Magnetotactic Bacteria
Kalirai S, Lam K, Bazylinski D, Lins U & Hitchcock A

(2012) Cd Mobilization from Fe(III)-hydroxides by an Isolated Fe(III)-reducing Geobacter Strain and its Impact on Enhanced Phytoremedation
Kraemer U, Muehe EM, Obst M, Hitchcock A & Kappler A

(2010) Microbial Metal Interactions – Thinking Beyond the Surface
Warren L, Norlund K & Hitchcock A

(2009) 2D, 3D, and in situ STXM in Geomicrobiology
Obst M, Wang J, Karunakaran C, Benzerara K, Dynes JJ, Lawrence JR, Swerhone GDW & Hitchcock AP

(2008) Aragonite as a Precursor Phase of Cyanobacterial Calcite Precipitation and the Influence of EPS on the Nucleation Process – A STXM Study
Obst M, Hitchcock AP, Dynes JJ, Lawrence JR, Swerhone GDW & Benzerara K

(2008) Geomicrobiology with Soft X-Ray Scanning Transmission Microscopy
Hitchcock A, Dynes J, Obst M, Lawrence J & Leppard G

(2008) Biofilm Structure and Biochemistry with Soft X-Ray Scanning Transmission Microscopy
Dynes J, Rema T, Hitchcock A, Korber D, Leppard G, Swerhone G, Obst M & Lawrence J

(2008) Microbial S Geochemistry in Acidic Environments: Integrated Geochemical and Soft X-Ray Spectromicroscopic Characterization
Warren L, Norlund K, Obst M & Hitchcock A

(2005) Mapping of Metal Species in Biofilms Using Scanning Transmission X-Ray Microscopy
Lawrence J, Dynes J, Hitchcock A, West M, Leppard G, Swerhone G, Tyliszczak T & Araki T

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