All abstracts by Jason M. Huberty in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2010) Silician Magnetite from the Dales Gorge Banded Iron FormationHuberty J, Konishi H, Fournelle J, Heck P, Valley J & Xu H
(2010) Improvement of SIMS Oxygen Isotope Analyses on Magnetite
Kita NT, Huberty JM & Valley JW
(2009) Crystal Orientation Effects on Bias of δ18O in Magnetite by SIMS
Huberty J, Kita N, Heck P, Kozdon R, Fournelle J, Xu H & Valley J
(2009) Accurate Stable Isotope Analysis by Ion Microprobe
Valley J, Kita N, Ushikubo T, Huberty J, Kozdon R, Page Z, Heck P & Fu B
(2008) Substrate-Controlled Crystallization of Calcite and Aragonite
Zhang F, Xu H, Farfan G, Huberty J, Konishi H & Roden E