All abstracts by Katharine Huntington in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2022) Rapid Measurement of Carbonate Clumped Isotopes Using Tunable Infra-Red Laser SpectroscopyYanay N, Wang Z, Dettman D, Quade J, Huntington K, Schauer A, Nelson DD, McManus J, Thirumalai K, Daëron M & Sakai S
(2021) How 17O Excess in Clumped Isotope Reference-Frame Materials and ETH Standards Affects Reconstructed Temperature
Saenger C, Schauer A, Heitmann E, Huntington K & Steig E
(2021) Development of an Isotope Ratio Laser Spectrometer for Rapid and Precise Clumped Isotope Measurement: Progress and Performance
Wang Z, Yanay N, Dettman D, Quade J, Nelson D, McManus J, Huntington K, Schauer A & Sakai S
(2020) Has Eastern China Always Been Summer-Wet?
Serach L, Gallagher T, Lu H, Zhang H, Wang H, Ji S, Huntington K & Breecker D
(2020) Rapid and Precise Clumped Isotope Composition Analysis by Tunable Infrared Laser Differential Absorption Spectroscopy
Wang Z, Nelson D, Dettman D, McManus J, Quade J, Huntington K, Schauer A, Sakai S & Yanay N
(2014) Clumped Isotope Paleothermometry in Soil Carbonate
Huntington KW, Lechler AR, Hoke GD, Burgener LK, Breecker DO & Sweeney M
(2012) Impact of Seasonally Variable Soil Carbonate Formation on Paleotemperature Records from Clumped Isotopes
Huntington K, Peters N & Hoke G
(2008) Temperature and Timing of Diagenesis from Carbonate Clumped Isotope Thermometry and Thermochronology
Huntington KW, Wernicke BP, Eiler JM & Flowers RM
(2008) High-Precision Isotopic Analysis: Lessons from 'Clumped Isotope' Geochemistry
Eiler J, Guo W, Huntington K & Passey B
(2008) Carbonate 'Clumped Isotope' Thermometry: A Status Report
Eiler J, Affek H, Daeron M, Ferry J, Guo W, Huntington K, Thiagarajan N & Tripati A
(2007) Paleoaltimetry from "Clumped" 13C-18O Bonds in Carbonates, Colorado Plateau
Huntington K, Wernicke B & Eiler J