All abstracts by Kayla Iacovino in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) A New era of H-O-C-S Magma Solubility Modeling: Better, Faster, StrongerIacovino K, Burgisser A, Ding S, Hughes EC, Kilgour G, Liggins P, Sun C & Wieser P
(2022) Trace Element Partitioning in the Presence of Sulfur Under Reduced Conditions
Anzures BA, Vander Kaaden KE, McCubbin FM, Iacovino K, Moore GM, Prissel K, Righter M & Righter K
(2022) VESIcal: An Open-Source Thermodynamic Model Engine for Mixed Volatile (H2O-CO2) Solubility in Silicate Melts
Iacovino K, Matthews S, Wieser P, Moore GM, Allison CM & Bégué F
(2020) Toward a General Thermodynamic Model to Interpret Volcanic Gases
Iacovino K
(2019) Oxidation of the Mantle Wedge by H in Aqueous Fluids: A New Interdisciplinary Approach
Iacovino K, Guild M & Till CB
(2018) Solid-Earth Processes are Key Drivers in the Evolution of Earth’s Redox State and Set the Stage for the Great Oxidation Event
Hartnett H, Till C, Anbar A, Glaser D, Guild M, Iacovino K, Johnson A, Leong J & Ostrander C
(2018) Can Slab Fluids Oxidize the Sub-Arc Mantle?
Iacovino K & Till C
(2016) Quantifying Gas Composition and Yield from the 946 CE Millennium Eruption of Paektu Volcano, DPRK/China
Iacovino K, Kim JS, Sisson T, Lowenstern J, Ri KH, Jang JN, Song KH, Ham HH, Oppenheimer C, Hammond J, Donovan A, Weber-Liu K & Ryu KR
(2013) Toward a Unified Method for the Quantification of Volatiles in Magmas via FTIR
Iacovino K, Peters N & Oppenheimer C
(2012) Experimental Constraints on the Evolution of Alkaline Magmas from Ross Island, Antarctica: A Case for CO2-dominated Volcanism
Iacovino K, Oppenheimer C, Scaillet B & Kyle P
(2011) Erebus: A Laboratory Volcano in Antarctica
Oppenheimer C, Kyle P, Jones L, McIntosh W, Dunbar N, Ilanko T, Peters N, Moussallam Y, Iacovino K, Boichu M, Sawyer G, Tsanev V, Scaillet B, Pichavant M, Burgisser A, Alletti M & Molina I