All abstracts by Daniel I. Kaplan in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Cryptic Sulfur Cycling Coupled to Iron and Carbon – Using Metagenomics to Inform Environmental ImpactSantelli CM, Chen Z, Ng G-HC, Patsis AC, Sheik C, Srivastava S, Rosenfeld CE, Kaplan DI & Kemner KM
(2024) Enhancing Biochar Uptake Efficiency for 129-I and 99-Tc Through Acid Activation Prior to Pyrolysis
Lin P, Ferguson BO, Greene KM, Xing W, Bagwell C & Kaplan DI
(2024) Reactive Transport Modeling of Fe-S-C Cycling: Investigating the Impacts of Dynamic Hydrologic Conditions at a Riparian Wetland
Chen Z, Perez S, Ng G-HC, Santelli CM, Kaplan DI, Srivastava S, Rosenfeld C & Kemner KM
(2023) Using X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy to Unravel the Sequestration Mechanisms of Radionuclides and Metalloids in Natural Sediments
Boyanov MI, O'Loughlin EJ, Kwon MJ, Kaplan DI & Kemner KM
(2023) Laboratory and Field Studies of the Redox Dynamics of Fe and U in Fe Flocs in Riparian Wetlands within the Tims Branch Watershed, Savannah River Site, USA
O'Loughlin EJ, Boever A, Boyanov MI, Kaplan DI, Parker C, Powell B, Taillefert M, Weisenhorn P & Kemner KM
(2023) Cryptic Sulfur Cycling Coupled to Iron and Carbon Cycling in Dynamic Riparian Wetland Environments
Santelli CM, Srivastava S, Ng C, Perez S, Rosenfeld CE, Kaplan DI & Kemner KM
(2019) Molecular Characterization of Natural Organic Matter Binding 239,240Pu in the Northwestern Fukushima Prefecture, Japan
Lin P, Xu C, Kaplan DI, Yeager CM, Xing W, Schwehr KA & Santschi PH
(2019) Uranium Speciation and Dynamics in Contaminated Wetland Sediments
Boyanov M, O’Loughlin E, Kaplan D & Kemner K
(2019) Iodide Uptake by Forest Soils is Principally Related to the Activity of Extracellular Oxidases
Grandbois R, Xu C, Santschi P, Kaplan D & Yeager C
(2019) Dissolution and Mobility of Neptunium Under Vadose Zone Conditions
Peruski K, Maloubier M, Kaplan D & Powell B
(2019) Combining Geochemical Measurements and Omics to Investigate Competitive Anaerobic Redox Dynamics in Sediments
Eitel E, Moran A, Shin H-D, Patin N, Bertagnolli A, Kemner K, Brooks S, Pennacchio C, Kaplan D, Stewart F, DiChristina T & Taillefert M
(2019) Hydrobiogeochemical Transformations of Fe and U in Sediment, Stream, and Rhizosphere Environments within Riparian Wetlands
Kemner K, Boyanov M, Weisenhorn P, Kaplan D & O'Loughlin E
(2019) Uranium Remobilization from a Wetland 50 Years after Contamination
Kaplan D, Smith R, Ferguson B, Martinez N, Montgomery D, Parker C, Seaman J, Powell B, O'Loughlin E & Kemner K
(2017) Recent Advances in the Detection of Specific Natural Organic Compounds as Carriers for Radionuclides in Soil and Water Environments, with Examples of Radioiodine and Plutonium
Santschi PH, Xu C, Zhang S, Schwehr KA, Lin P, Yeager CM, Kaplan DI, Didonato N & Hatcher PG
(2017) Biogenic Manganese Oxides Facilitate Iodide Oxidation at pH ≤ 5
Grandbois R, Yeager C, Tani Y, Xu C, Zhang S, Beaver M, Schwehr K, Kaplan D & Santschi P
(2016) Microbial Processes that Impact Iodine Speciation at Environmentally Relevant Concentrations
Yeager C, Grandbois R, Li H-P, Xu C, Zhang S, Schwehr K, Santschi P & Kaplan D
(2016) Role of Natural Organic Matter on Iodine and Pu Distribution and Mobility in Environmental Samples from the Northwestern Fukushima Prefecture
Xu C, Zhang S, Sugiyama Y, Ohte N, Ho Y-F, Fujitake N, Kaplan D, Yeager C, Schwehr K & Santschi P
(2016) Sulfide Limited Technetium Immobilization in Cementitious Waste Forms
Arai Y, Powell B & Kaplan D
(2016) Seasonal Changes in Uranium Porewater Chemistry in a Contaminated Wetland
Kaplan D, Xu C, Santschi P, Li D, Seaman J & Jaffe P
(2016) Unexpected Behavior of Radionuclides Associated with Natural Organic Matter in the Environment
Santschi PH, Xu C, Kaplan DI, Yeager CM, Zhang S & Schwehr KA
(2014) Critical Role of a Wetland Plant on Uranium Biogeochemistry in an Iron-Rich Reducing Condition
Chang H, Buettner S, Seaman J, Jaffe P, Koster Van Groos P, Li D, Peacock A, Scheckel K & Kaplan D
(2014) Hydroxamate Siderophores in Soil Mineral-Organic Matter Matrix Responsible for Binding 239,240Pu in the Far-Field of the Savannah River Site, USA
Xu C, Zhang S, Ho Y-F, Athon M, Johnston I, Schwehr KA, Kaplan DI, Didonato N, Hatcher PG & Santschi PH
(2013) Iodine Speciation Change by a Mn-Oxidizing Marine Bacteria, Roseobacter sp. Azw-3 k, Through the Production of Reactive Oxygen Species
Li H-P, Creeley D, Daniel B, Grandbois R, Zhang S, Xu C, Schwehr K, Kaplan D, Santschi P & Yeager C
(2013) Plutonium Immobilization and Re-mobilization by Soil Mineral-Organic Matter Matrix Compounds in the Far-Field of the Savannah River Site (SRS), USA
Xu C, Athon M, Ho Y-F, Schwehr KA, Kaplan DI, Roberts KA, Dinato N, Hatcher PG & Santschi PH
(2012) Kinetics of Rb Isotope Equilibration in Savannah River Site Soils
Elliott WC, Krogstad E, Wampler JM, Kahn B, Kaplan D & Zaunbrecher L
(2011) Biogeochemical and Microbial Controls of <sup>129</sup>I Mobility in Groundwater
Santschi PH, Brinkmeyer R, Schwehr KA, Zhang S, Xu C, Li H-P, Kaplan DI, Yeager C & Roberts KA
(2010) A Simplified Quantitative and Conceptual Model of Np Sorption to Natural Sediments
Miller T, Powell B & Kaplan D
(2010) Sorption of Np, Pu, Tc, and I to Saltstone and Cement Formulations Under Oxidizing and Reducing Conditions
Lilley M, Powell B & Kaplan D
(2010) Mobility of Iodine (129I and 127I) Species in Sediment Columns from the Savannah River Site
Zhang S, Du J, Xu C, Schwehr K, Ho Y, Santschi P & Kaplan D
(2010) Modeling Actinide Interactions with Minerals and Microbes
Powell BA, Bagwell C, Kaplan DI, Kersting AB, Zavarin M & Zimmerman TN
(2010) Groundwater 129I Speciation and its Causes for Release from a Subsurface Burial Basin
Kaplan D, Brinkmeyer R, Denham M, Noonkester J, Roberts K, Schwehr K, Vangelas K, Yeager C, Zhang S & Santschi P
(2010) Overview of Plutonium (Pu) Transport in the Vadose Zone: Field Experiments, Mathematical Modeling, Soil-Plant Interactions and Future Research Questions
Molz F, Demirkanli I, Thompson S, Kaplan D & Fjeld R
(2009) Organo-Iodine Formation in Aquifer Sediments at Ambient Concentrations
Schwehr KA, Santschi PH & Kaplan DI