All abstracts by Andrea Koschinsky in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Separation of Trace Elements in Saline Matrices: A New Chromatographic ApproachGhiotto M, Natali C, Kurahashi E, Poehle S, Koschinsky A, Singh ND, Achterberg EP, Schembri C & Conticelli S
(2023) Nanoparticulate Iron Oxyhydroxides Aggregated in Carbon Matrices Dominate Iron Speciation in Hydrothermal Plumes over the 1-100 km Distance from Vent Source
Matzen SL, Steiner Z, Klose L, Ely T, Fitzsimmons JN, Koschinsky A, Achterberg EP, German CR & Toner BM
(2023) Simple and Portable Devices for Measuring Manganese in Pore- and Coastal Water Samples
Pedre I, Fröhberg N, Waska H, Koschinsky A & Pahnke K
(2023) Significant Contribution of Mangrove Systems to Marine Neodymium and Hafnium Isotope Budgets
Xu A, Hathorne E, Seidel M, Dittmar T, Koschinsky A & Frank M
(2023) Tracing Wastewater Input into the North Sea Using Anthropogenic Gd Anomalies: Evidence for Widespread MRI Contrast Agent Contamination of River Estuaries of Elbe, Ems and Weser and the Southern North Sea Including the German Bight
Kraemer D, Katja S, Klimpel F, Ernst DM, Rauch U, Koschinsky A & Bau M
(2023) The Effects of Early Diagenesis on Mo Isotope Compositions in Pacific Abyssal Sediments
Liao J, Lin Z, Sun X, Deng Y, Wang D & Koschinsky A
(2022) Determination of Vanadium Redox Species V(IV) and V(V) in the South-East Atlantic Ocean Using Chelating Resin and Inductively-Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
Kurahashi E, Poehle S & Koschinsky A
(2022) Impacts of Deep-Sea Mining on Cu-Speciation in Polymetallic Nodule Provinces in the Pacific Ocean
Zitoun R, Koschinsky A, Sander S, Paul S, Noowong A & Manirajah M
(2022) Organic Complexation of Ni in the Hydrothermal Plume of the Rainbow Vent Field
Fröhberg N, Klose L & Koschinsky A
(2022) Distribution of Chromium and Thallium Species along the Amazon and Pará Estuaries and Mixing Plume
Tessele I, Carvalho L & Koschinsky A
(2022) Distribution of Dissolved and Soluble Ti along the Salinity Gradients in the Pará and Amazon Estuaries and Plume
Schneider AB, Koschinsky A, Krause CH, Gledhill M & Carvalho L
(2020) The Significance of Colloidal Rare Earth Elements and Yttrium in Deep-Sea Pore Waters
Paul S, Schmidt K, Kurahashi E & Koschinsky A
(2019) Tracing Fluid-Rock Interactions in Acid-Sulfate Vent Fluids from Back-Arc Basins and Island Arcs with Mg, Li and B Isotope Ratios
Wilckens FK, Reeves EP, Kleint C, Bach W, Koschinsky A & Kasemann SA
(2019) Hydrothermal Fluxes of Trace Metals (Such as Zn and Fe) into Surface Waters along the Kermadec Intraoceanic Arc
Kleint C, Bach W, Sander SG, Zitoun R, Middag R, Laan P & Koschinsky A
(2019) Geochemical Variability of Hydrothermal Fluids from Four Vent Sites in the North East Lau Basin
Klose L, Kleint C, Diehl A, Bach W, Peters C, Strauss H & Koschinsky A
(2019) Post-Depositional Manganese Mobilization during the Last Glacial Period in Sediments of the Eastern Pacific Ocean
Volz J, Liu B, Köster M, Henkel S, Koschinsky A & Kasten S
(2019) Calcium Phosphates in Pacific Deep-Sea Sediments as Proxies for the REY Distribution in Pore Waters
Paul S, Bau M, Volz J, Köster M, Kasten S, Haeckel M & Koschinsky A
(2019) The Distribution of Mo in Mn-Fe Nodules and Crusts and Associations with the Mineral Phases
Wegorzewski A, Hein J, Grangeon S, Webb S, Kuhn T & Koschinsky A
(2019) Sulfur Cycling at the Kermadec Arc Revealed by Sulfur Isotopes
Peters C, Hesseler V, Koschinsky A, Bach W, Stucker V & Strauss H
(2019) Enrichment Mechanisms and Phase Associations of Platinum in Marine Ferromanganese Crusts and Nodules
Koschinsky A, Hein JR, Foster A & Kraemer D
(2019) Molecular Characterization of DOM in Indian Ocean Hydrothermal Systems
Noowong A, Gomez-Saez G, Hansen C, Schwarz-Schampera U, Koschinsky A & Dittmar T
(2019) Distribution of Conservative and Reactive Trace Metals in Different Size Fractions in the Amazon River-Seawater Mixing Continuum
Velasquez I, De Carvalho L, Schneider A, Krause C, Schallwig L & Koschinsky A
(2019) Uranium Dynamics in Amazon Estuary Revealed by Isotopic Analysis
Border EC, Kamm J, Koschinsky A, Frank M & Frank N
(2019) Lead Enrichment and Speciation in the Carbonate Fluorapatite Phase of Phosphatized Fe-Mn Crusts
Mizell K, Hein JR & Koschinsky A
(2019) An Experimental Study of Trace Metal Regeneration and Implications for the Amazon River Estuary
Hollister AP, Buck KN, Hubbard K, Robert M, Tilney CL, Schlosser C, Martha G & Koschinsky A
(2018) Lead Phase Transfer during Phosphatization of Fe-Mn Crusts
Mizell K, Hein JR & Koschinsky A
(2017) Natural Variability of Geochemical Conditions, Biogeochemical Processes and Element Fluxes in Sediments of the Eastern CCZ, Pacific Ocean
Volz J, Mogollón J, Geibert W, Martínez Arbizu P, Koschinksy A & Kasten S
(2017) Diversity of Hydrothermal Fluids from Four Vent Sites at the Kermadec Island Arc and its Relevance for Elemental Fluxes
Kleint C, Fröhberg N, Zitoun R, Sander S, Strauss H & Koschinsky A
(2017) Multi-Isotope Study on Hydrothermal Vent Fluids from an Early-Stage Hydrothermal System at Nifonea Volcano, New Hebrides Backarc
Wilckens FK, Meixner A, Koschinsky A, Kasemann SA & Bach W
(2017) Long-Term Impacts of a Manganese Nodule Mining Experiment on Sediment and Pore Water Geochemistry
Paul S, Koschinsky A, Gaye B & Daehnke K
(2017) Resource Potential and Impact of Mining Deep-Sea Minerals Compared to Land-Bound Deposits
Koschinsky A
(2017) Widespread Diffusion of Oxygen from Oceanic Crust into Overlying Sediments in the NE Pacific Ocean – Early Diagenetic Consequences and Significance for Biogeochemical Cycles (RV SONNE SO240)
Kasten S, Versteegh G, Koschinsky A, Villinger H, Dohrmann I, Filsmair C, Fronzek J, Hartmann J, Kleint C, Preuss I, Ritter S & Kuhn T
(2015) Cadmium and Lead Isotopes in High Temperature Hydrothermal Vents on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Abouchami W, Koschinsky A, Haßler K & Galer S
(2015) Iron Isotope Fractionation in a Hydrothermal Plume Above the Nifonea Vent Field, Vanuatu
Nasemann P, Gault-Ringold M, Rolison J, Stirling C, Koschinsky A & Sander S
(2014) Mussel Shells as Potential Hydrothermal Biomonitor
Amini M, Jacob DE, Koschinsky A & Weis D
(2013) Discrimination Scheme for Fe-Mn Deposits Based on REY, HFSE and Th
Schmidt K, Bau M & Koschinsky A
(2013) Accumulation Mechanisms and Bonding of High-Tech Metals in Marine Ferromanganese Crusts
Koschinsky A, Hein J, Mohwinkel D, Foster A & Bargar J
(2013) Inter- and Intra-Specific Variability of Trace Metals in Shells of Mytilus sp., Serripes sp., and Arctica sp
Ponnurangam A, Koschinsky A, Bau M, Brey T & Bijma J
(2011) Comparison of Land-Based REE Ore Deposits with REE-Rich Marine Fe-Mn Crusts and Nodules
Hein J, Conrad T & Koschinsky A
(2011) Mussel Shells as Archives of Geogenic and Anthropogenic Dissolved REE
Bau M, Merschel G, Kulaksiz S, Schmidt K, Brenner M, Balan S & Koschinsky A
(2011) Uranium in Tap and Groundwater – Indications for Anthropogenic Origin
Smidt G, Birke M, Erdinger L, Schäf M, Knolle F, Koschinsky A & Schnug E
(2011) Geo-Bio Interactions in Hydrothermal Fluids and their Potential Role for Hydrothermal Metal Fluxes
Koschinsky A, Sander S, Klevenz V & Perner M
(2011) Fractionated Enrichment of Zr-Hf and Nb-Ta in Ferromanganese Crusts
Schmidt K, Bau M & Koschinsky A
(2009) The Effects of Amino Acids on Cu Toxicity for Hydrothermal Vent Microbes
Klevenz V, Perner M, Sander S & Koschinsky A
(2009) Energetics of Catabolic Reactions in Diffuse Hydrothermal Fluids – Clues to Subseafloor Microbial Metabolism
Hentscher M, Bach W, Perner M, Koschinsky A, Garbe-Schönberg D & Amend JP
(2009) Rare Earth Element Distribution and Temporal Variability in Supercritical Vapor Phase Fluids from 5°S, MAR
Schmidt K, Garbe-Schönberg D, Koschinsky A & Bau M
(2009) Chemical Fluxes and Heat Fluxes at Mid-Ocean Ridge Hydrothermal Systems: Temporal and Spatial Variability and Approaches of Quantification
Koschinsky A
(2008) Fractionation of Zr/Hf and Nb/Ta in Aqueous Systems – The Role of Marine Fe-Mn Oxides
Schmidt K, Bau M, Münker C & Koschinsky A
(2008) Hydrothermal Fluids from 5°S, MAR: Evidence for a Different Heat Flow Regime in Slow-Spreading Crust?
Garbe-Schönberg D, Koschinsky A, Schmidt K & Strauss H
(2007) Simultaneous Determination of Se and Te in Different Geological Matrices with DRC-ICP-MS
Schirmer T, Koschinsky A & Bau M
(2007) First Direct Sampling of Superhot Supercritical Vapor Phase Fluids at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Schmidt K, Koschinsky A, Garbe-Schönberg D & Seifert R
(2007) Voltammetric Determination of Te(IV) and Te(VI): Sorption Behaviour on Fe and Mn Oxides
Jost CL, Koschinsky A, de Carvalho LM & do Nascimento PC
(2006) Evidence for organic complexation of copper in deep-sea hydrothermal vent systems
Sander SG, Koschinsky A, Hunter KA, Massoth G & Stott M
(2004) Submarine Hydrothermal Trace Metal Input into the Ocean Through Island Arc Volcanism in the Lesser Antilles
Georg B, Frank M, Marbler H, Koschinsky A, Van de Flierdt T, Bolz V, Kubik P & Halbach P
(2003) Organic Coatings and Sorption of REE and Y on Marine Fe-Mn Crusts
Koschinsky A & Bau M
(2002) Hydrothermal Fluids in the North Fiji Basin and Lesser Antilles
Koschinsky A, Halbach P, Sander S, Michaelis W & Seifert R