All abstracts by Pavel Kram in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2019) Magnesium Isotope Variations in Aqueous Samples from a Small Catchment in the Czech RepublicNovak M, Andronikov A, Sebek O, Kram P, Farkas J, Stepanova M, Curik J, Veselovsky F, Prechova E, Andronikova I & Hruska J
(2019) Meteoric 10Be/9Be: A Versatile Tool for Weathering and Erosion Estimates from Small Creeks to Large Rivers of Varying Lithology
Wittmann H, von Blanckenburg F, Deng K, Yang S, Dannhaus N & Krám P
(2017) Evaluating the Extent of Cr(VI) Reduction in Polluted Groundwater: Toward Better δ53Cr Fingerprinting of Sources
Novak M, Sebek O, Andronikov A, Kotkova J, Chrastny V, Prechova E, Curik J, Veselovsky F, Stepanova M, Farkas J, Martinkova E & Kram P
(2016) A New Method for Measuring Weathering and Erosion in Mafic and Ultramafic Rock
von Blanckenburg F, Dannhaus N, Wittmann H, Kram P & Christl M
(2015) Ca and Mg Isotope Systematics in Acidified Forests from the Contrasting Monolithologic Czech Catchments
Farkas J, Novak M, Holmden C, Kram P, Simecek M, Francova M, Curik J & Veselovsky F
(2015) Base Cation Hydrogeochemistry at Three Geochemically Contrasting Monolithologic Catchments
Krám P, Čuřík J, Veselovský F & Bláha V
(2013) Measuring Denudation Rates with the 10Be(meteoric)/9Be Isotope Ratio in Catchments with Different Lithologies
Dannhaus N, von Blanckenburg F, Wittmann H, Kram P & Christl M
(2013) Drainage Water Chemistry Reflects Monolithologic Critical Zones
Kram P, Curik J, Veselovsky F, Myska O, Stedra V, Blaha V & Hruska J
(2011) Modeling of Soil Degradation in the Czech Critical Zone Observatories
Kram P & Hruska J
(2011) SoilTrEC: An International Consortium to Assess Soil Processes and Functions Using a Global Network of Critical Zone Observatories
Menon M, Chabaux F, Lundin L, Novak M, Brandao M, Nikolaidis N, Panagos P, van Gaans P, Kram P, Blum W, deRuiter P, Bernasconi S, Rousseva S, White T, Ragnarsdóttir KV, van Riemdijk W, Banwart S, Reynolds B & Lair G
(2010) Influence of Lithology on Streamwater Chemistry
Kram P