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All abstracts by Inna Kurganskaya in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Patterns in Surface Morphologies as Signatures for Underlying Kinetic Processes
Kurganskaya I, Rohlfs RD & Luttge A

(2023) Development and Implementation of the Kinetic Monte Carlo Algorithms from Scratch
Kurganskaya I

(2023) New Mechanistic Insights for Bacteria-Mineral Interactions Learned from Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations
Allafnevirian R, Kurganskaya I & Luttge A

(2023) Kinetic Monte Carlo Modelling of Barite-Celestite Solid Solution Growth, Dissolution, and Radium Uptake
Trofimov N, Kurganskaya I & Luttge A

(2023) Mineral Dissolution: Drawing the Balance While Looking out to the Future
Luttge A & Kurganskaya I

(2021) Rigorous or Practical? A New Approach to Develop Rate Laws for Mineral Dissolution
Kurganskaya I & Luttge A

(2021) Emergence of Macrostructures on Mineral Surfaces Quantified with Co-occurrence Matrices
Rohlfs RD, Kurganskaya I & Luttge A

(2021) A Probabilistic Model of Geochemical Rate Distributions for Reactive Transport Modelling
Kurganskaya I & Luttge A

(2020) Closing the Gap between Nano- and Pore Scale: Upscaling Strategies Using Computational Geometry
Rohlfs RD, Kurganskaya I, Fischer C & Luttge A

(2020) Reactive Properties of Bioengineered and Natural Iron Oxides: A Multi-Scale Approach from First Principles
Kurganskaya I, Schuler M, Santiago C, Wehling T & Luttge A

(2020) Chemical Complexity of Mineral-Fluid Systems Addressed by Tools of Statistical Mechanics
Kurganskaya I & Luttge A

(2019) Molecular Mechanism of Dissolution, Growth and Ion Uptake at the Clay Mineral/Water Interface
Schliemann R, Kurganskaya I & Churakov SV

(2019) Diversity of Mineral Dissolution Scenarios at the Nanoscale: Mechanistic Insights from Monte Carlo Simulations
Kurganskaya I & Luttge A

(2019) Dissolution Variability of Sandstone Calcite Cement
Trindade Pedrosa E, Fischer C, Kurganskaya I & Luttge A

(2019) A Kinetic Monte Carlo Approach to Study Plagioclase Dissolution Mechanisms
Peter M, Kurganskaya I & Luttge A

(2018) Monte Carlo Modelling of Surface Speciation and Dissolution Kinetics of Carbonate Minerals in the Presence of Electrolytes
Kurganskaya I, Luttge A & Churakov S

(2017) Dissolution Kinetics of the Annite – Phlogopite System: A Kinetic Monte Carlo Approach
Macke E, Peter M, Schabernack J, Kurganskaya I, Fischer C & Lüttge A

(2017) Upscaling of Dissolution Rate Contributors from the Atomic Scale to the Macroscopic Scale
Fischer C, Kurganskaya I, Kahl W-A, Bollermann T, Prüße F, Bach W & Luttge A

(2017) Molecular Mechanisms of Carbonate Dissolution: Surface Charge and Ionic Structure of Mineral-Water Interface
Kurganskaya I, Luttge A & Churakov SV

(2017) Kinetic Monte Carlo Study on Dissolution Kinetics of Different Sheet Silicate Octahedral Structures
Schabernack J, Macke E, Peter M, Kurganskaya I, Fischer C & Luttge A

(2017) Interaction of Dislocations during Mica Dissoultion- a Kinetic Monte Carlo Study
Peter M, Schabernack J, Macke E, Kurganskaya I, Fischer C & Luttge A

(2015) Prediction of Porosity Evolution in Polycrystalline Material: A Kinetic Monte Carlo Study Using the Rate Spectra Concept
Fischer C, Kurganskaya I & Luttge A

(2015) Early Cement Hydration Kinetics: VSI/AFM/kMC Results
Arvidson R, Reid H, Kurganskaya I & Luttge A

(2015) Crystal Dissolution Studied by a Combination of Kinetic Monte Carlo and Voronoi Methods
Rohlfs RD, Fischer C, Kurganskaya I & Luttge A

(2015) Kinetic Monte Carlo Models: A Powerful Tool to Predict Mineral Reaction Kinetics
Luttge A, Kurganskaya I, Fischer C & Arvidson R

(2014) Mechanisms of Quartz Dissolution at the Micro-Scale: An Insight from Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations
Kurganskaya I & Luttge A

(2014) Synthetic Dissolution Rate Spectra
Fischer C, Kurganskaya I & Luttge A

(2014) A Stochastic Approach to Study Dissolution of Carbonates
Kurganskaya I & Luttge A

(2013) Driving Mineral Dissolution Studies in a New Direction
Luttge A, Fischer C, Arvidson RS & Kurganskaya I

(2011) Phyllosilicate Dissolution Kinetics: Experimental Observations and Kinetic Monte Carlo Modeling
Kurganskaya I, Arvidson RS & Luttge A

(2011) How Crystalline Matter Dissolves: Contours of a Comprehensive Stochastic Model
Luttge A, Arvidson RS, Kurganskaya I & Fischer C

(2010) Crystallographic Control of Sheet Silicate Dissolution
Kurganskaya I, Arvidson R & Luttge A

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