All abstracts by Matthew Lachniet in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2019) δ234Uo in Stalagmites as a Proxy of Paleohydrological Conditions, a LA-MC-ICP-MS StudyBernal J-P, Cruz F, Lachniet M, Spötl C, Deininger M & Martinez-Paredes J-A
(2019) Multi-Proxy Approach to Constrain Temperature and Hydroclimate in Arid Regions
Asmerom Y, Polyak V & Lachniet M
(2018) Progress and Challenges in Speleothem-Based Climate Reconstruction
Asmerom Y, Polyak V, Baldini J, Lachniet M, Baldini L, Breitenbach S, Prufer K & Kennett D
(2016) Hemispherical Scale Climate Variability during the Last Glacial Period
Asmerom Y, Polyak V & Lachniet M
(2014) Orbital Control of Southwestern North America Atmospheric Circulation and Climate over Two Glacial Periods
Lachniet M, Denniston R, Asmerom Y & Polyak V
(2013) Timing of Northern Hemisphere Climate Transitions during the Last Glacial Period from Precisely-Dated Speleothem Data
Asmerom Y, Polyak V & Lachniet M
(2012) A Record of Northern Hemisphere Climate Variability during the Penultimate Glacial from High Resolution Speleothem Data
LaPointe Z, Asmerom Y, Polyak V & Lachniet M
(2009) Holocene Climate Variability in Southwestern Mexico from Speleothem δ18O and Mg/Ca
Bernal JP, Lachniet M, McCulloch M, Mortimer G, Morales P & Cienfuegos E
(2006) An early Holocene stalagmite record of dust and humidity from southwestern Mexico
Bernal JP, McCulloch M & Lachniet M