All abstracts by Barry Lai in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2020) Relationship between Atmospheric Aerosol Mineral Surface Area and Iron SolubilityIngall E, McDaniel MF, Morton P, Castorina E, Weber R, Shelley R, Landing W, Longo A, Feng Y & Lai B
(2020) Metal Uptake and Sequestration within Southern Ocean Diatom Frustules: A Significant Sink for Iron and Zinc
Castorina E, Ingall E, Morton P, Brewer L, McDaniel MF & Lai B
(2014) Nano-Scale Elemental Imaging of Microbes and Minerals from Deep Sea Methane Seeps
Glass J, McGlynn S, Chadwick G, Dawson K, Chen S, Vogt S, Lai B, Deng J, Ingall E, Twining B & Orphan V
(2014) Microbially Catalyzed Electron Transfer to Iron Oxides: From Atomic to Micron Scale
Kemner K, Boyanov M, O'Loughlin E, Sholto-Douglas D, Skinner K, Lai B, Cook R & Latta D
(2010) Bacterial Biogeochemistry Revealed by Submicron X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy
Lai B
(2010) Redox Transformations of Uranium Near the Mineral-Microbe Interface
Kemner K, Boyanov M, O'Loughlin E, Sholto-Douglas D, Skinner K, Lai B, Kelly S, Cook R, Carpenter E & Nealson K
(2009) Using TEM and µ-XRF to Characterize Bacterially-Mediated Precipitation of Dissolved Copper
Kimball B, Dohnalkova A, Kemner K, Lai B, Macalady J & Brantley S
(2005) X-Ray Microprobe Investigations of Mineral-Metal-Microbe Interfaces
Kemner K, Kelly S, Boyanov M, Lai B, Glasauer S, Langley S, Kulpa C, Beveridge T & Nealson K