All abstracts by Didier Laporte in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) CO2-rich Basanitic Magmas Generation in Continental Intraplate Regions: Insight from Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions in the Bas-Vivarais Volcanic Province (Ardèche, France)Buso R, Laporte D, Schiavi F, Cluzel N & Laumonier M
(2023) Reactive Porous Flow in Deep Crustal Mushes, and Early Evolution of Primitive Magmas in a Continental Rift: The Oldoinyo Lengai Volcanic Area Example
Mourey A, France L, Ildefonse B, Gurenko A & Laporte D
(2021) Very High CO2 Contents (≥3 Wt%) in Olivine-Hosted Magmatic Inclusions from the Bas-Vivarais Volcanic Province (Ardèche, France): Implications for Magma Genesis in a Continental Intraplate Region
Buso R, Laporte D, Schiavi F, Cluzel N & Laumonier M
(2020) Ce-Nd Isotopic Composition of the Continental Crust: First Measurements of Lower Crust Samples
Israel C, Boyet M, Doucelance R, Bonnand P, Laporte D, Dhuime B & Ionov D
(2019) Li and B Contents in Silicate Melts as Tracers of Volcanic Degassing
Spallanzani R, Cichy SB, Wilke M, Oelze M, Koga K & Laporte D
(2018) The Contribution of Bubble-Hosted Mineral Phases to the Volatile Content of Melt Inclusions Estimated by 3D Raman Imaging
Schiavi F, Gómez-Ulla A, Venugopal S, Hardiagon M, Bolfan-Casanova N & Laporte D
(2017) The Diffusion Coefficients of Noble Gases (He-Ar) in a Synthetic Basaltic Liquid: One-Dimensional Diffusion Experiments
Tissandier L, Burnard P, Amalberti J & Laporte D
(2017) Equilibrium Tin Isotope Fractionation during Metal-Sulfide-Silicate Differentiation: A NRIXS Approach
Roskosz M, Amet Q, Fitoussi C, Laporte D, Hu M & Alp E
(2017) Characterization of Volatile Contents in Primitive Magmas of an Active Carbonatitic Volcanic Complex (Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania)
Mourey A, France L, Laporte D & Gurenko A
(2016) Diffusion-Driven D/H Fractionation in Silicates during Hydration, Dehydration and Degassing
Roskosz M, Laporte D, Deloule E, Ingrin J, Remusat L, Depecker C & Leroux H
(2015) Argon Solubility in H2O-CO2 Bearing Basaltic Melts at Upper Mantle Conditions
Fabbrizio A, Bouhifd A, Andrault D, Bolfan-Casanova N, Manthilake G & Laporte D
(2014) Experimental and Numerical Simulations of Li Isotope Fractionation during Degassng of Rhyolitic Magma
Koga KT, Laporte D, Rose-Koga E & Cluzel N
(2013) Experimental Melting of Phlogopite-Peridotite at 1 GPa – Implications for Potassic Magmatism
Condamine P, Médard E, Laporte D & Nauret F
(2013) CO2 Degassing in a Haplo-Basaltic Magma: An Experimental Approach
Hardiagon M, Laporte D, Morizet Y & Provost A
(2013) He and Ar Diffusivity in Basaltic Glasses and Melts
Amalberti J, Burnard P & Laporte D
(2012) Heterogeneous Hydrous Mantle in Arc Settings: Constraints on the Genesis of Silica-Undersaturated Arc Magmas
Sorbadere F, Medard E, Laporte D & Schiano P
(2011) Lithium-Boron Isotope Fractionation during Degassing of Rhyolitic Magma
Koga KT, Rose-Koga EF, Laporte D, Cluzel N, Shimizu N & Deloule E
(2006) Experimental insights into slab-mantle interactions in subduction zones: melting of adakite-metasomatized peridotite and the origin of the 'arc signature'
Rapp RP, Laporte D, Martin H & Shimizu N
(2005) Partial Melting of a Fertile Peridotite: Application of the Microcrack Extraction Technique
Mönicke A, Laporte D & Schiano P
(2004) Mantle Source Heterogeneity Recorded in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions from the FAMOUS Zone, Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Laubier M, Schiano P, Doucelance R, Laporte D & Ottolini L