All abstracts by Gaute Lavik in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) The Dark Side of Microphytobenthos: Diel Dynamics of Nitrate Respiration in Microbial Mats and SedimentsMerz E, Dick GJ, de Beer D, Lavik G, Marchant HK & Klatt JM
(2018) Offshore Transport of a Key Sulfur Oxidizing Bacteria from the SUP05 Clade Sustains ‘cryptic Sulfur Cycling’ in the the Oxygen Minimum Zone of the Peru Upwelling
Callbeck C, Lavik G, Ferdelman T, Fuchs B, Gruber-Vodicka H, Hach P, Littmann S, Schoffelen N, Kalvelage T, Thomsen S, Schunck H, Löscher C, Schmitz R & Kuypers M
(2017) N2 Fixation Persists throughout the Euphotic Zone of the Ultra-Oligotrophic South Pacific Gyre
Dürschlag J, Martínez-Pérez C, Heinzmann N, Lavik G, Kuypers MMM & Mohr W
(2017) Petite Diazotroph is a Key Player in the Marine Nitrogen Cycle
Mohr W, Martínez-Pérez C, Löscher C, Dekaezemacker J, Littmann S, Yilmaz P, Lehnen N, Fuchs B, Lavik G, Schmitz R, LaRoche J & Kuypers M
(2017) Scavenging of Hydroxide Dominated Elements: Insights from Dissolved Titanium in the South Pacific Gyre and Southern Ocean
Croot P, Nicholas S, Grassie A, Wieczorek A, Heller M, Klockgether G, Lavik G & Ferdelman T
(2015) Extensive Nitrogen Loss from Permeable Sediments off NW Africa
Sokoll S, Lavik G, Sommer S, Goldhammer T, Kuypers M & Holtappels M
(2011) Extensive N-Loss from Permeable Wadden Sea Sediments due to Aerobic Denitrification
Gao H, Khalili A, Lavik G, de Beer D & Kuypers M
(2007) Biological Versus Chemical Sulfide Oxidation in Beggiatoa Inhabited Sediment
de Beer D, Lichtschlag A, Lavik G & Joergensen BB