All abstracts by Jan Leitner in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Neoarchean Nitrogen Isotope Variability Associated with the Upwelling of Hydrothermal Ammonium on the Submerged Zimbabwe Proto-CratonMartin AN, Stüeken EE, Leitner J, Gehringer MM, Markowska M, Weyer S, Vonhof H & Hofmann A
(2023) Calcium Isotope Investigation of Silicate Stardust
Leitner J, Hoppe P & Trieloff M
(2021) Chemical and Petrographic Characterization of Amorphous Silicate Material in Cometary GEMS
Schulz B, Vollmer C, Leitner J & Keller LP
(2021) The Origins of Diffuse and Globular Organics in Chondrites and IDPs Revealed by Nanobeam Techniques
Vollmer C, Leitner J, Kepaptsoglou D, Ramasse QM, King AJ, Schofield PF & Busemann H
(2021) A Study of Nitride Inclusions in Chondrites: Tracers for Nebular Processes?
Leitner J, Vollmer C, Harries D, Kodolányi J, Ott U & Hoppe P
(2020) A New Isotopic Perspective on the Solar System’s Stardust Inventory
Leitner J, Hoppe P & Kodolányi J
(2019) High-Resolution Mg/Ca Measurements of Foraminifers Using Microanalytical Techniques
Jochum KP, Jentzen A, Schiebel R, Garbe-Schoenberg D, Stoll B, Weis U, Leitner J, Belza J, Vanhaecke F & Haug GH
(2018) Micro- and Nano-Scale Petrological and Compositional Analysis of Chondrule and CAI Rims
Cartwright JA, Perez-Huerta A, Leitner J & Vollmer C
(2014) Characterization of Presolar Stardust in Fine-Grained Chondrule Rims from Primitive Meteorites
Leitner J, Hoppe P, Metzler K, Vollmer C & Zipfel J
(2013) A Coordinated in situ NanoSIMS, HR SEM and TEM Search for Presolar Grains in an ALHA77307 Chondrule Rim
Stojic AN, Brenker FE, Hoppe P & Leitner J
(2009) SiC Grains from Supernovae and the Solar Si-Isotopic Ratios
Hoppe P, Leitner J, Meyer B, The L-S, Lugaro M & Amari S
(2009) Assessing the Stardust Inventory of Comet 81P/Wild 2 by NanoSIMS
Leitner J, Hoppe P, Heck P & Huth J