All abstracts by Kevin Lepot in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) High Resolution Analysis of Carbonaceous Texture within Lenticular Microstructures from Archean Chert (Strelley Pool Formation – Farrel Quartzite) of the Pilbara Craton (Western Australia)Coutant M, Lepot K, Fadel A, Addad A & Javaux EJ
(2023) New Objects of Study for Mass Spectrometry by Secondary-Ion and Laser Desorption-Ionization: Acritarchs, a Pilot Study of the Species "Gloeocapsomorpha Prisca"
Bon M, Lepot K, Carpentier Y, Bray F, Riboulleau A, Baudin F, Nuns N, Bridoux MC, Rolando C, Steemans P & Vandenbroucke TRA
(2021) Testing the Cellular Nature of Large (>10 µm) Spheroids in the ~3.4 Ga Strelley Pool Formation
Coutant M, Lepot K, Fadel A, Addad A, Richard E, Troadec D, Ventalon S, Sugitani K & Javaux EJ
(2017) Isotope Microanalyses of 2.72 Ga Organic Matter: Metabolism Versus Diagenesis Versus Matrix Effects
Lepot K, Williford K, Philippot P, Thomazo C, Ushikubo T, Kitajima K & Valley JW
(2017) Microscale Molecular Characterization of Ancient Microbial Mats
Fadel A, Lepot K, Nuns N, Tribovillard N, Philippot P & Riboulleau A
(2015) Species-Specific Intracellular Iron Biomineralization in a 1.9-Ga Microfossil Assemblage
Lepot K, Addad A, Knoll AH, Béché A & Javaux EJ
(2015) Iron-Mineralized Microfossils from the Great Oxygenation Event
Fadel A, Lepot K, Busigny V, Addad A & Van Kranendonk MJ
(2013) Coupled Isotopic and Textural Evidence for the Biogenicity of 3.4 Gyrs Old Cell-Like Structures
Lepot K, Williford KH, Ushikubo T, Sugitani K, Mimura K, Spicuzza MJ & Valley JW
(2012) SIMS Carbon Isotope Analysis of Proterozoic Microfossils
Williford K, Ushikubo T, Schopf JW, Lepot K, Kitajima K & Valley J
(2008) STXM-Based Study of Microbial Fossils in Recent and Ancient Rocks
Benzerara K, Bernard S, Lepot K, Miot J & Brown, Jr GE
(2007) Elemental-Sulfur Reducing or Disproportionating Organisms in a ~3, 5 Myr-Old Seafloor Setting
Philippot P, Van Zuilen M, Lepot K, Thomazo C, Farquhar J & Van Kranendonk M
(2007) Nano-Carbonate Clustering in Organic Globules Supports a Biogenic Origin of 2.7 Gyr Old Stomatolites
Lepot K, Benzerara K & Philippot P
(2006) In-situ characterisation techniques used to test the biogenicity of biomorphic structures in 2.72 Ga pristine drill core samples from the Tumbiana formation, Western Australia
Lepot K, Philippot P, Benzerara K & Cotte M
(2006) Origin of carbonaceous matter in 3,525 Myr-old hydrothermally-altered subseafloor sediments from the Dresser Formation, Pilbara Craton
Philippot P, Lepot K, Thomazo C, Ader M & Van Kranendonk M