All abstracts by Konstantin Litasov in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2011) Na-Bearing Majoritic Garnets in the System Mg3Al2Si5O12–Na2MgSi5O12 at 11−20 GPa: Solid Solutions and Structural PeculiaritiesBobrov A, Dymshits A, Bindi L, Litasov K, Shatskiy A, Ohtani E & Litvin Y
(2011) Late Metasomatic Addition of Garnet to the SCLM: Os-Isotope Evidence
Malkovets V, Griffin W, Pearson N, Rezvukhin D, O'Reilly S, Pokhilenko N, Garanin V, Spetsius Z & Litasov K
(2011) Dissolution-Precipitation as a Possible Mechanism of C-O-H Fluid/Melt Segregation in the Deep Mantle
Shatskiy A, Litasov K & Ohtani E
(2011) Melting in the Peridotite and Eclogite, Coexisting with Reduced C-O-H Fluid at 3-16 GPa
Litasov K, Shatskiy A & Ohtani E
(2009) Partial Melting of Peridotite + CO2 and Origin of Kimberlite Melt in the Deep Mantle
Ghosh S, Ohtani E & Litasov K
(2009) Eclogite-Carbonate-Chloride System at 7.0-16.5 GPa: Implications to Diamond and Mantle Fluids
Litasov K & Ohtani E
(2007) Effect of Al3+ on the Elastic Properties of Ferropericlase at High Presure
Sanchez-Valle C, Litasov K, Ohtani E & Bass JD
(2006) Hydrogen solubility in Al-rich stishovite and water transport to the lower mantle
Litasov K, Ohtani E, Kagi H, Lakshtanov D & Bass J
(2006) Density of carbonated basaltic melt at the conditions of Earth’s upper mantle
Ghosh S, Ohtani E, Litasov K & Suzuki A
(2005) Effect of Al3+ and H+ on Elasticity of Stishovite
Lakshtanov D, Sinogeikin S, Litasov K, Ohtani E & Bass J
(2003) Phase Transformaion in Wet Oceanic Crust and Subduction Dynamics of the Slab
Ohtani E, Sano A, Litasov K, Kubo T & Kondo T
(2003) Water Solubility in the Lower Mantle Minerals
Litasov K & Ohtani E
(2002) Melting Relations of Pyrolite in CMAS-H2O System up to 25 GPa
Litasov K & Ohtani E
(2000) Argon-Argon Dating of Basanites from Volcanic Pipes of the Minusa Region SW of the Siberian Craton
Malkovets V, Travin A, Reutsky V, Shevchenko D & Litasov K