All abstracts by Oliver Lord in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2019) An Experimental and ab Initio Study of Water in CaSiO3-walstromiteGregson C, Lord O, Kohn S & Walter M
(2019) Crystal Chemistry of Calcium-Ferrite Type Aluminous Phase
Qin F, Wu Y, Wu X, Zhang D, Lord O, Qin S & Jacobsen S
(2018) The Fate of Carbonate in Oceanic Crust Subducted into Earth’s Mantle
Walter M, Drewitt J, Thomson A, Zhang H, Lord O & Heinen B
(2017) Experimental Investigation of the Affect of Pressure on the Oxidation State of a Terrestrial Magma Ocean
Zhang H, Hirschmann M, Walter M, Lord O & Cottrell E
(2017) Phase Diagram and Melting of NiSi up to 115 GPa
Briggs R, Boccato S, Giampaoli R, Irifune T, Ishimatsu N, Lord O, Rosa A, Torchio R & Pascarelli S
(2016) Carbon in the Deep Mantle: Sub- and Super-Solidus Phase Relations in the System CaO-Mgo-FeO-SiO2-CO2 in Earth’s Lower Mantle
Drewitt J, McMahon S, Lord O, Baron M, Daisenberger D, Anzellini S, Kleppe A & Walter M
(2016) Melting of Peridotite at Lower Mantle Conditions: LH-Dac Experiments with Metal Encapsulated Samples
Baron MA, Lord OT, Drewitt JWE, Badro J, Walter MJ & Trønnes RG
(2016) Silicon and Oxygen Partitioning between Silicate and Iron at Core Formation Conditions
Jennings ES, Petitgirard S, Lord OT, Walter MJ, Frost DJ & Rubie DC
(2015) Melting Criterion in Laser Heated Diamond Anvil Cell Experiments: Combined in situ and ex situ Methods
Morard G, Andrault D, Antonangeli D, Amichi L, Siebert J, Guyot F, Auzende A-L, Lord O, Bouchet J, Harmand M, Cochain B, Garbarino G, Kantor I, Torchio R, Boulard E & Mezouar M
(2010) The Melting Curve of FeSi to 150 GPa: Implications for D"
Lord O, Walter M, Dobson D, Armstrong L, Clark S & Kleppe A
(2009) Iron Lite: Experimental Constraints on the Composition of Earth’s Core
Walter M, Lord O, Helffrich G & Walker D
(2007) The Melting Curve of Fe3C to 73 GPa
Lord O & Walter M