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All abstracts by Anhuai Lu in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Photoelectrons from Semiconducting Minerals: A Long-Overlooked Energy Source for Non-Phototrophic Microorganisms in Oligotrophic Ancient Environments
Liu J, Zhong C, Huang S & Lu A

(2024) Biogeochemical Co-evolution Reflected in Large Mn Mineral Database
Li Y, Yin R, Zhuang Z & Lu A

(2023) Effect of Semiconducting Iron Mineral Goethite Photoreduction on Microbial Community in the Natural Photocatalytic System of Hydrosphere Euphotic Zone
Liu J, Ding H & Lu A

(2023) From Evolution of Mn-Bearing Minerals to Photogeochemical Cycle of Mn
Zhuang Z, Li Y & Lu A

(2019) Photocatalysis of Natural Sulfides and Its Implication for the Origin of Life
Li Y, Li Y, Ding H, Lu A, Liu Y & Wang C

(2019) Photon-Induced Redox Chemistry on Earth’s Surface via Semiconducting Mn Oxides
Li Y, Lu A, Ding H, Li Y, Liu Y & Liu F

(2019) Structural Controls on Cu2+ Sorption Behavior in Biogenic Birnessite
Liu Y, Li Y, Chen N, Ding H & Lu A

(2018) Multistage Ilvaite-Bearing Assemblages from the Galinge Skarn Fe Deposit, Western China: A Record of Retrograde Alteration
Yu M, Dick JM, Feng C, Li B, Mao J, Lu A & Zhu Y

(2018) Changes in Carbon Oxidation State of Metagenomes along Geochemical Redox Gradients
Dick J, Tan J, Yu M & Lu A

(2017) Adsorption and Immobilization of Lead Ion by Fungi
Hao R, Lu A, Yang S, Wang M & Ding Y

(2014) Photoelectrons from Minerals and Energy of Microbes in the Critical Zones
Lu A & Li Y

(2013) Photoelectrons from Minerals and Microbial World
Lu A & Li Y

(2013) Soil Microbial Species Selection and Activity Influenced by Semiconducting Minerals
Li Y & Lu A

(2011) Analysis of Microbial Molecular Ecology Techniques in Constructed Rapid Infiltration System
Jiang X, Ma M-C, Li J & Lu A

(2011) Synergistic Effects of Biocatalysis and Mineral Photocatalysis
Lu A & Li Y

(2009) Integration of Semiconductor Mineral and Bacteria for Treating Environmental Pollutants
Lu A & Li Y

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