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All abstracts by Klaus Ulrich Mayer in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2015) Pore Scale Visualization of Multiphase Reactions in the Unsaturated Zone
Harrison AL, Dipple GM, Song W, Power IM, Mayer KU, Beinlich A & Sinton D

(2014) Reactive Transport Benchmarks on Heavy Metal Cycling
Arora B, Mayer KU, Steefel CI, Spycher NF, Sengor SS, Jacques D & Alt-Epping P

(2012) Migration and Evolution of Oil Sands Tailings Pond Seepage Through Glacial Till Sediments: Combined Field and Laboratory Investigations
Holden A, Kone M, Mayer KU & Ulrich A

(2012) Reactive Transport Modeling of CO2 Sequestration in Mine Tailings
Harrison AL, Power IM, Wilson SA, Dipple GM, Mayer KU & Bea SA

(2010) Noble Gas Composition and Reactive Gas Fluxes: Indicators for Natural Attenuation Processes in Contaminated Aquifers
Mayer KU, Jones K, Kipfer R, Sihota N & Singurindy O

(2010) Biogeochemical Impacts of Oil Sands Process Water on Aquifer and Aquitard Materials
Haque S, Holden A, Tompkins T, Mayer KU, Ulrich A & Barker J

(2010) Acidophiles in Neutral Drainage and their Impact to Chemistry and Flow
Blackmore S, Power I, Southam G, Mayer KU, Beckie R & Smith L

(2010) Hydromechanical and Geochemical Coupling within an Intercratonic Sedimentary Basin Affected by Glaciation/Deglaciation Events
Bea SA, Mayer KU & MacQuarrie KTB

(2010) Measurement of Cation Exchange Capacity in Shale Using Radiographic Detection of Cesium
Cave L, Bea S, Al T & Mayer KU

(2010) Fate and Transport of Arsenic from Constructed Soil Aggregates
Masue-Slowey Y, Kocar B, Jofré SAB, Mayer K, Pallud C & Fendorf S

(2008) Reactive Gases and Inert Gas Tracers in Vadose Zone Environmental Applications
Jones K, Singurindy O, Molins S, Beckie R, Smith L & Mayer KU

(2008) Modelling the Biogeochemical Cycle of Silicon in Soils: Application to a Temperate Forest Ecosystem
Gérard F, Mayer KU & Hodson M

(2008) Reactive Transport Analysis of Mineralogical Controls Affecting Metal Release from Polymetallic Carbonate Waste Rock
Mayer KU, Beckie R, Klein B, Conlan M & Smith L

(2001) A Column Study and Reactive Transport Modeling of Reactions Controlling Metal Release in Mine Tailings
Jurjovec J, Ptacek CJ, Mayer KU & Blowes DW

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