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All abstracts by Motohiko Murakami in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Primary Pressure Scale of KCl B2 Phase to the Core-Mantle Boundary
Ma N, Sumita T & Murakami M

(2024) Pressure Induced Structural Transition in Deep Terrestrial Magma Ocean
Saha P, Murakami M, McCammon C, Liebske C & Krymarys E

(2023) Positive Thermal Raman Shifts in Silicates
Spiekermann G, Näpflin A, Trubowitz C & Murakami M

(2017) Mineralogy of the Lower Mantle: Constraints from Elasticity
Murakami M, Mashino I, Miyajima N, Petitgirard S & Frost D

(2016) Sound Velocities of δ-AlOOH up to CMB Pressures with Implications for the Seismic Anomalies in Deep Mantle
Mashino I, Murakami M & Ohtani E

(2015) High-Pressure Radiative Conductivity of Dense Silicate Glasses
Murakami M

(2013) Structure and Thermal Property of Dense Silicate Glasses Under High-Pressure
Murakami M

(2011) The Elasticity Change of Na-Contained Silica According to the Post-Stishovite Phase Transition in the Earth’s Lower Mantle
Asahara Y, Hirose K, Ohishi Y, Hirao N, Ozawa H & Murakami M

(2010) Sound Velocities of Earth’s Deep Materials
Murakami M

(2009) Sound Velocity Measurements in Water at High Pressures: Application to Water at Lower Mantle Conditions
Asahara Y, Murakami M, Ohishi Y, Hirao N, Sata N & Hirose K

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