All abstracts by Bjorn Mysen in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2019) Ti Solubility Mechanisms and their Importance for Understanding Ti ActivityAckerson M & Mysen B
(2017) New Raman Constraints on the Bisulfite Isomer Quotient: Implications for Isotope Fractionations in Aqueous Systems
Eldridge DL, Mysen B & Cody G
(2016) Radiation-Induced Oxidation of Fe in Hydrous Basalt Glasses
Cottrell E, Lanzirotti A, Kelley K, Newville M, Birner S, Davis F, Mysen B & Botcharnikov R
(2016) Mantle Melting and Volatiles: Redox-Controlled Solution Mechanisms and C-Isotope Fractionation in Coexisting Silicate Melt and COH Fluid
Mysen B
(2014) Chemical Dependence of the Structural Position of OH Groups in Silicate Glass: with Implication for H2O/OH Measurements Through IR Spectroscopy
Le Losq C, Cody G & Mysen B
(2011) In-Situ, High-Pressure/-Temperature Experimental Determination of Structure-Property Relations in Silicate Melt-C-O-H-N Systems
Mysen B
(2011) P5+ and Ti4+ Solution Mechanisms of and Partitioning between Fluids and Melts at Crustal and Upper Mantle Pressure and Temperature
Mysen B
(2010) Speciation and Solubility of Reduced C-O-H Fluids in Coexisting Fluids and Silicate Melts Determined in situ to 1.45 GPa and 800˚C
Mysen B, Yamashita S & Fogel M
(2010) Nitrogen Solubility in a Molten Assemblage of an (Fe, Ni) Alloy and a CI Chondritic Silicate up to 18 GPa
Bouhifd A, Roskosz M, Jephcoat A & Mysen B
(2010) Structure and Properties of Silicate-Saturated Fluids in the System Na2O-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O Determined in situ at High Temperature and Pressure
Yamashita S & Mysen B
(2010) In situ Characterization of Fluid and Melt Structure in H2O-Saturated Aluminosilicate Systems in the Deep Crust and Upper Mantle
Mysen B
(2010) Redox-Dependent, Diffusion-Driven Fractionation of Fe Isotopes in Silicate Melts and its Structural Controls
Roskosz M, Alexander C, Sio K, Wang J, Watson H, Dauphas N & Mysen B
(2008) From N2 to NHx Groups in Silicate Melts Governed by fH2 at High Pressure and Temperature
Mysen B, Yamashita S & Chertkova N
(2006) Effect of Redox Relations of Iron on Olivine/Melt Partitioning Behavior of Ca, Mg and Transition Metals at Ambient Pressure
Mysen B
(2006) The ‘not so noble’ behaviour of nitrogen in silicate melts at high pressure and temperature
Mysen B, Roskosz M & Cody G
(2004) Life in a Mars Analog: Microbial Activity Associated with Carbonate Cemented Lava Breccias from NW Spitsbergen
Amundsen H, Steele A, Fogel M, Mysen B, Kihle J, Schweizer M, Toporski J & Treiman A
(2004) Melt Structural Control on Mineral/Melt Element Partitioning
Mysen B & Dubinsky E
(2004) Effect of P-T and Composition on Dihedral Angles in Fluid-Bearing Mantle Minerals and Fluid Migration in the Earth’s Interior
Mibe K, Adzima C & Mysen B
(2003) Solubility and Solution Mechanism of H2O in Alkali Silicate Melts at High Pressure
Mysen B & Cody G
(2003) Structure and Disorder of Silicate Melts at High-Pressure: 17O 3QMAS NMR, Quantum Calculations & Thermodynamic Modeling
Lee S, Fei Y, Cody G & Mysen B
(2001) Investigation of Kaersutite Crystallization in SNC Basaltic Magmas
Minitti ME & Mysen BO
(2000) Solution Behaviour of H2O in Haploandesitic Melts in the Pressure-Temperature Regime of the Upper Mantle
Mysen BO & Wheeler K