All abstracts by Paul N. Pearson in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2022) Plankton Life-History Reveals Adaptions to Cenozoic Climate ChangeCoxall HK, Pearson PN, Huber BT, Cramwinckel MJ, Vermassen F, Handl T & Ezard THG
(2015) Eocene Seawater pH – Atmospheric CO2 Reconstructions Using Boron Isotopes in Planktonic Foraminifera
Anagnostou E, John E, Edgar K, Pearson P, Ridgwell A, Inglis G, Pancost R, Lunt D & Foster G
(2015) Source and Magnitude of Carbon Release Associated with the PETM
Gutjahr M, Sexton PF, Ridgwell A, Anagnostou E, Pearson PN, Pälike H, Norris RD, Thomas E & Foster GL
(2013) Response of the Biological Pump to Elevated Ocean Temperatures during the Eocene
John E, Pearson P, Wade B, Coxall H, Foster G, Wilson J & Ridgwell A
(2013) Relatively Small Degree of Surface Ocean Acidification during the PETM in the North Atlantic
Gutjahr M, Sexton PF, Pearson PN, Heiko P, Norris RD & Foster GL
(2013) Eocene pCO2 Reconstructions Using Boron Isotopes in “Glassy” Planktonic Foraminifera
Anagnostou E, John EH, Edgar KM, Pearson PN, Lear CH, Pancost RD & Foster GL
(2009) Comparison of Long- and Short-Term Terrestrial Carbon Isotopic Records of the Palaeogene
Pancost R, Handley L, van Dongen B, Pearson P & Schouten S
(2008) Integrated Biomarker Records Reveal Complex and Dramatic Changes in High Latitude Climate during the Paleogene
Handley L, Hollis C, Crouch E, Schouten S, Huber M, Morgans H, Pearson P, Sinninghe Damsté J, Burgess C & Pancost R
(2002) The Boron Isotope Approach to Paleo-pCO2 Estimation
Pearson P & Palmer M
(2002) Eocene Meridional Temperature Gradients from Oxygen Isotopes
Pearson P