All abstracts by Oliver Plümper in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Lattice Distortion in Oscillatory Zoned Zircon: Implications for Impurity PoisoningAcosta MD, Plümper O, Reed MH, Watkins JM & Ohl M
(2023) Low-Temperature Plate Boundary Serpentinization Post-Dates Subduction Initiation and Facilitates Obduction of an Appalachian Ophiolite
Kotowski AJ, Smit H, van Broekhoven J, Cooperdock EHG, Tarling MS, Hellebrand E, Kirkpatrick J, King HE & Plümper O
(2023) Reconstructing Heterogenous Porous Media in 3D Using 2D Input via Deep-Learning-Based Generative Models
Vogel HP, Amiri H, Arias A & Plümper O
(2023) Investigating Lithium (Li) Adsorption onto Iron-Oxides (Goethite, Hematite, Wüstite, and Magnetite) at Various pH Conditions
Zhang X(Y, Plümper O & King HE
(2023) Hydrothermal Iron Nanoparticles – A Missing Link in the Deep Sea Biogeochemical Cycle?
Ternieten L, Kraal P, Preiner M, Zaveri U & Plümper O
(2023) Reaction-Induced Changes in Deformation Behavior of Carbonated Serpentinites Revealed from Deformation Experiments
Eberhard L, Niemeijer A & Plümper O
(2022) EXCITE: A European Infrastructure to Promote Electron and X-Ray Microscopy of Earth Materials
Hellebrand E, Walter S, Cnudde V, Plümper O & ter Maat G
(2021) Shallow-Depth Slab Decarbonation as a Control on the Deep Carbon Cycle
Strobl LA, Plümper O, Ohl M & Beinlich A
(2021) Quantifying Transient, Reaction-Induced Permeability during Fluid-Rock Interaction: A Multi-Resolution Imaging and Multi-Scale Pore Network Modelling Approach
Amiri H, Raoof A & Plümper O
(2021) The Nature of Nano-Confined Geofluids: Defining the Dielectric Constant via Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Chogani A & Plümper O
(2021) The Nanoscale Control of Reactive Fluids on Geological Processes within the Solid Earth – EMU Research Excellence Medal Lecture
Plümper O
(2020) Data Services and Trans-National Access Program Accessible Through EPOS Multi-Scale Laboratories
Hellebrand E, Wessels R, Hamers M, Lange O, ter Maat G, Plümper O & Drury M
(2019) Sulfide Mineralogy as a Tracer for Fluid-Rock Interaction in Serpentinites
Rohne R, Schwarzenbach E & Plümper O
(2018) Nanoscale, in situ Investigations of Fluoranthene Surfaces
King HE, Giese C-C, Plümper O, ten Kate IL & Tielens X
(2016) Retention of Biosignatures Associated with Phosphate in Fe-Oxide Mineralized Bacterial Mats
King HE, Plümper O, Polerecky L & Blake R
(2016) Are Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Carbonaceous Chondrites Altered by Aqueous Alteration?
Giese C-C, ten Kate IL, Plümper O, King HE & Tielens AGGM
(2015) Low-Temperature Nanocatalysis of Abiogenic Methane during Peridotite Alteration
Plümper O, King H, de Ruiter L, Verberne R & Liu Y
(2014) Textural Re-equilibration during Marble Replacement by Ca-Oxalate
King HE, Mattner D, Plümper O, Geisler T & Putnis A
(2013) Rocky Constraints on Catabolic Energy Supply in the Subseafloor
Bach W, Kahl W-A, Jöns N, Türke A & Plümper O
(2013) Self-Organizing Reactive Porosity Waves Allow Large-Scale Fluid Escape from Subducting Oceanic Lithosphere
Plümper O, John T, Podladchikov YY & Scambelluri M
(2012) Mechanisms of Reaction Driven Porosity and Permeability Generation
Jamtveit B, Plumper O, Royne A & Malthe-Sorenssen A
(2011) The Evolution of a Serpentinizing Environment Inferred from Andradite Vein Networks
Plümper O, Beinlich A, Janots E & Austrheim H
(2011) The Legacy of Plastic Deformation and Pre-Existing Microstructures during Olivine Serpentinization
Plümper O, Austrheim H, Piazolo S & Jung H
(2011) On Carbonatization Fronts in Serpentinite: Implications for in situ CO2 Storage
Beinlich A, Plümper O, Hövelmann J, Austrheim H & Jamtveit B
(2009) The Role of Crystal-Plastic Deformation in the Serpentinization of Olivine
Plümper O, Austrheim H & Jung H