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All abstracts by Ian M. Power in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Artificial Nickel Laterites for Enhanced Metal Recovery and CO2 Mineralization
Wilson S, Wang B, Hussain A, Turvey CC, Moyo A, Honda-McNeil M, Spence J, Mann M, Su D, Wang Z, Yaddala J, Frierdich AJ, Hamilton J, Lammers L, Power IM, Renforth P & Zeyen N

(2024) Magnesium Carbonate Mineralization Induced by Diurnal Microbial Metabolic Activity: Lessons from Natural and Laboratory Wetlands
McParland D, Power IM, Wilson S, Ptacek CJ & McCutcheon J

(2024) Evaluating the Link between Mineralogy and Alkalinity Generation for Carbon Sequestration Potential in Mine Sites
Rosa VM, Hussain A, Bates B, Friedlander B, Turvey CC, Power IM, Angai J, Raudsepp M, Baumgartner R & Wilson S

(2024) Scalable Atmospheric CO2 Capture Using Calcium Oxide Powder
Dostie L, Rausis K & Power IM

(2024) Alkalinity as a Control on the Precipitation of Mg-Carbonate Minerals in Alkaline Lakes on the Cariboo Plateau and Atlin Playa, British Columbia, Canada
Raudsepp M, Wilson S, Zeyen N, Arizaleta ML & Power IM

(2024) Using Geochemical Analyses and Remote Sensing to Understand the Carbon Dioxide Removal Potential and Contamination Risks Associated with the Use of Mine Residues for Enhanced Rock Weathering
Spence J, Wilson S, Rivard B, Feng J, Power IM, Russell W, Chiang EYW & Santos RM

(2024) The Mining Industry’s Role in Enhanced Weathering and Mineralization for CO2 Removal
Power IM, Paulo C, Rausis K, Schaffer ZR & Klyn-Hesselink H

(2024) Direct Carbon Measurements in Enhanced Weathering Field Experiments Using Kimberlite Residues and Olivine Powder
Schaffer ZR, Rausis K, Power IM & Paulo C

(2021) Morphological Biosignatures within Aragonite from Magnesium Carbonate Environments Analogous to Jezero Crater, Mars
Burnie TM, Power IM, Paulo C, Alçiçek H & Falcon LI

(2021) Direct Measurement of CO2 Fluxes into Kimberlite Residues and Powdered Rocks: Implications for Enhanced Weathering
Stubbs AR, Paulo C, Power IM, Wang B, Zeyen N & Wilson S

(2021) Effects of Mineral Reactivity and Seasonality on Enhanced Rock Weathering of Kimberlite Mine Residues
Paulo C, Power IM, Stubbs AR, Ndlovu S, Senzani K, Vietti A & May H

(2021) Carbonation, Cementation, and Stabilization of Ultramafic Mine Tailings Through Microbial CO2 Generation
Lockhart JA, Power IM, Paulo C, Long H & Stubbs AR

(2021) Assessing Carbon Balances Through CO2 Mineralization and Enhanced Rock Weathering Rates Using Field-Deployable Leaching Columns
McDonald DTE, Power IM, Paulo C & Stubbs AR

(2021) Mineral Carbonation at Venetia and Gahcho Kué Diamond Mines: Characterization of the Highly Reactive Clay Fraction
Zeyen N, Wang B, Wilson S, Paulo C, Stubbs AR, Power IM, Turvey C & Dipple G

(2021) Mechanisms Controlling the Mg Isotope Composition of Hydromagnesite-Magnesite Playas Near Atlin, British Columbia, Canada
Mavromatis V, Power IM, Harrison A, Beinlich A, Dipple G & Bénézeth P

(2020) Cation Exchange: A New Strategy for Mineral Carbonation of Smectite-Rich Kimberlites
Zeyen N, Wang B, Wilson S, Von Gunten K, Alessi D, Paulo C, Stubb A & Power I

(2020) Predicting CO2 Mineralization in Mine Residues: Insights from Leaching and Geochemical Modeling
Paulo C, Power IM, Stubbs AR, Zeyen N & Wilson SA

(2020) Carbon Dioxide Removal Using Kimberlite Residues
Power I, Paulo C & Stubbs A

(2020) New Perspectives on Carbonate Mineral Behaviour for Carbon Accounting and Carbon Utilization
Wilson S, Turvey C, Morgan B, Cheng J, Raudsepp M, Hamilton J, Power I, Zeyen N, Fallon S, McCutcheon J & Southam G

(2020) Enhanced Weathering and Carbonation of Kimberlite Residues from South African Mines
Stubbs A, Paulo C, Power I, Zeyen N & Wilson S

(2015) Pore Scale Visualization of Multiphase Reactions in the Unsaturated Zone
Harrison AL, Dipple GM, Song W, Power IM, Mayer KU, Beinlich A & Sinton D

(2014) Mining Environments as Models for Enhanced Weathering: Lessons for Understanding Element Cycling during CO2 Sequestration
Wilson S, Power I, Harrison A, Dipple G, Hamilton J, Morgan B, Turvey C & Southam G

(2013) Enhancing CO2 Sequestration in Mg-Rich Mine Tailings
Harrison AL, Power IM, Wilson SA, Dipple GM & Mayer KU

(2013) Carbon Mineralization in Artificial Wetlands
Power I, McCutcheon J, Harrison A, Dipple G & Southam G

(2012) New Data on the Cenozoic Epithermal Uranium Concentrations at Nopal Deposit, Mexico
Angiboust S, Fayek M, Power IM, Camacho A, Calas G & Southam G

(2012) Reactive Transport Modeling of CO2 Sequestration in Mine Tailings
Harrison AL, Power IM, Wilson SA, Dipple GM, Mayer KU & Bea SA

(2012) Hydromagnesite-Magnesite Playas: A Model for Carbon Storage
Power I, Wilson S, Dipple G & Harrison A

(2012) Microbially-Accelerated Carbon Sequestration
McCutcheon J, Power IM, Harrison AL, Dipple GM & Southam G

(2011) Accelerated Carbon Sequestration in Mine Tailings Using Elevated pCO2
Harrison AL, Power IM & Dipple GM

(2010) Modern Thrombolites from an Asbestos Open Pit Pond
Power I, Wilson S, Dipple G & Southam G

(2010) Insights for CO2 Sequestration from Mineral-Fluid-Gas Interactions in Mine Waste
Dipple G, Wilson S, Power I, Barker S, Fallon S & Southam G

(2010) Evaluaton of Calcium Binding and Carbonate Precipitation by Cyanobacteria in Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitats by XAFS
Omelon C, Power I & Southam G

(2010) Assessing Capture of Atmospheric CO2 within Mine Tailings Using Stable Isotopes and 14C
Wilson S, Dipple G, Barker S, Power I, Atudorei V, Fallon S & Southam G

(2010) Acidophiles in Neutral Drainage and their Impact to Chemistry and Flow
Blackmore S, Power I, Southam G, Mayer KU, Beckie R & Smith L

(2008) Mineral Transformations in Tailings from Active Mines: Implications for Acid Neutralization Potential and Carbon Dioxide Sequestration
Wilson SA, Dipple GM, Raudsepp M, Oliver SL, Gabites JE, Power IM & Southam G

(2008) The Hydromagnesite Playas of Atlin, British Columbia, Canada: A Biogeochemical Model for CO2 Sequestration
Power I, Wilson S, Thom J, Gabites J, Dipple G & Southam G

(2005) Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Through Enhanced Weathering of Chrysotile Mine Tailings and Subsequent Microbial Precipitation of Magnesium Carbonates
Power I & Southam G

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