All abstracts by Eoghan P. Reeves in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Production and Destruction of Novel Organic Species during Simulated Hydrothermal Alteration of Seafloor SedimentViflot TØ, Pereira SI, Boonnawa C, Voje TJT, Leth Jørgensen S, Beinlich A, Hansen CT, Schubotz F, Dittmar T & Reeves EP
(2023) Finding Mohn’s Treasure: Evidence of Deep Hydrothermal Activity at a Supposedly Extinct Seafloor Sulfide Deposit
Boonnawa C, Reeves EP, Pereira SI, Viflot TØ, Samin AM, Eilertsen MH, Sass K, Stokke R, Steen IH & Ribeiro PA
(2023) Mobility of Fluoride in Fluids Influenced by Hydrothermal Alteration of Sediment
Voje TJT, Pereira SI, Viflot TØ, Scheffler J, Seewald JS, Gartman A, Beinlich A & Reeves EP
(2023) Low Metal Resource Potential in Seafloor Hydrothermal Fluids of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea
Reeves EP, Jamieson J, Scheffler J, Roerdink DL, Samin AM & Boonnawa C
(2023) The High-Temperature Fate of the Hydrothermal Deep Biosphere: An Experimental Investigation at 250–360˚C
Pereira SI, Viflot TØ, Schouw A, Boonnawa C, Hansen CT, Schubotz F, Dittmar T, Steen IH & Reeves EP
(2019) Tracing Fluid-Rock Interactions in Acid-Sulfate Vent Fluids from Back-Arc Basins and Island Arcs with Mg, Li and B Isotope Ratios
Wilckens FK, Reeves EP, Kleint C, Bach W, Koschinsky A & Kasemann SA
(2019) Conductive Cooling and Microbial Carbon Transformations in Diffuse Hydrothermal Fluids at Loki’s Castle
Viflot T, Reeves E, Vulcano F, Seewald E, Roerdink D, Steen I & Barreyre T
(2019) Tracing Subsurface Iron Cycling in the Sediment-Influenced Loki’s Castle Hydrothermal Vent Field with Stable Fe Isotopes
Roerdink D, Wilborn H, Reeves E, Scheffler J & Jamieson J
(2019) Diverse Hydrothermal Fluid Chemistries at 12–15°N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Irinovskoe, Semenov-2, Azhadze II and Logatchev 1
Reeves E, Bach W, Jamieson J, Scheffler J, Mørkved PT & Hamelin C
(2019) Boron Isotope Behavior in Ultramafic-Hosted Hydrothermal Systems: Nature vs. Experiment
Hansen C, Schlicht L, Reeves E, Meixner A, Kasemann S & Bach W
(2016) Clumped Isotopologue Constraints on the Origin of Methane in Basalt- and Ultramafic-Hosted Mid-Ocean Ridge Hydrothermal Fluids
Wang DT, Reeves EP, Seewald JS, McDermott JM & Ono S
(2015) Boron and Lithium Isotope Compositions of Acid-Sulfate Fluids from the Eastern Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea
Wilckens FK, Kasemann SA, Bach W, Reeves EP, Meixner A & Seewald JS
(2014) An Emerging Link between Low Sulfate Oceans and Large Igneous Province Driven Mass Extinction?
Newton R, Witts J, Wignall P, Francis J, Bottrell S, Kafousia N & Reeves E
(2011) Phase Separation, Degassing and Anomalous Methane at the Menez Gwen Hydrothermal Field
Reeves E, Prieto X, Hentscher M, Rosner M, Seewald J, Hinrichs K-U & Bach W
(2010) Stable Isotope Studies of Manus Basin Hydrothermal Vent Fluids and Deposits
Shanks WCP, Ono S, Seewald J, Reeves E, Tivey M & Craddock P
(2010) Fluid-Mineral Equilibria in Subseafloor Reaction Zones beneath Eastern Manus Basin Vent Fields
Seewald J, Bach W & Reeves E
(2009) Methanethiol: A Geochemical Link between Carbon and Sulfur in Hydrothermal Systems?
Reeves E & Seewald J
(2009) Chemical Equilibria Involving Aqueous Carbon Compounds in Submarine Hydrothermal Systems
Seewald J & Reeves E
(2008) The Marine Sulfate-Oxygen Isotope Record of the Early Toarcian Anoxic Event
Newton RJ, Kafousia N, Reeves E, Wignall P & Bottrell S
(2007) Rapid Hydrogen Isotopic Exchange between Aqueous Hydrocarbons and Water Under Hydrothermal Conditions
Reeves E, Seewald J & Sylva S
(2006) Questioning the global nature of the Toarcian carbon isotope excursions.
Newton R, Reeves E, Kafousia N, Wignall P & Bottrell S