All abstracts by Simona Regenspurg in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Biomining of Critical Raw Materials Using the Oxalate-Carbonate PathwayBindschedler S, Hilpisch P, Schmid E, Bregnard D, Alawi M, Regenspurg S & Junier P
(2023) Rare Earth Elements and Yttrium in Alkaline Lakes and Hot Springs from Tanzania
Kreitsmann T, Kraemer D, Mahecha A, Regenspurg S, Wilke FDH & Bau M
(2023) Critical Raw Materials in Geothermal Fluids of the East African Rift (Tanzania)
Wilke FDH, Jentsch A, Kreitsmann T, Zimmer M, Bau M, Olaka L, Mahecha A & Regenspurg S
(2023) Understanding of Lithium Origin in High Enthalpy Geothermal Systems: A Case Study for Tuzla and Seferihisar Geothermal Power Plants, Western Anatolia, Türkiye
Tonkul S, Ayzit T, Baba A, Demir MM, Kieling K & Regenspurg S
(2023) Assessment of Hydrogeochemical Processes in High Temperature Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage Systems by Drill Core Analysis, Column-, and Batch Experiments
Virchow L, Regenspurg S & Saadat A
(2021) Hydrogeochemical Characterization and Evaluation of a Middle Triassic Carbonate Aquifer, as a Potential High Temperature Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage in Berlin, Germany
Virchow L, Regenspurg S, Wenzlaff C & Blöcher G
(2021) Fluoride Circulation from Geothermal Fluids to Surface Waters and in Volcanic Rocks of the Aluto Volcanic Complex (Ethiopia)
Regenspurg S, Virchow L, Wilke F, Zimmer M, Joilie E, Hachenberger A, Yirgu G & Filfilu E
(2019) Evaluating Fibre Optics as Detection Method for Mineral Precipitations in Geothermal Fluids
Zotzmann J, Hastreiter N & Regenspurg S
(2017) Rare Earth Elements and Yttrium (REY) as Fluid Provenance Tracers and Geoindicators of Reservoir Processes in Bacman Geothermal Field, Philippines
Abecia VM, Regenspurg S & Bau M
(2017) Monitoring Silica Precipitation Using Fiber Optic Sensors
Regenspurg S, Abecia VM, Zotzmann J & Reinsch T
(2016) A Sequential Extraction Scheme to Determine Element Mobility in Pyrite-Bearing Siliciclastic Rocks
Müller D, Friedland G & Regenspurg S
(2016) Formation of Laurionite in Saline, Geothermal Brine
Regenspurg S & Driba D
(2015) Radiologic Disequilibria in Sandstone Reservoir Rocks at a Geothermal Facility in the North German Basin
Dilling J, Regenspurg S, Schkade U-K & Lucks C
(2013) Hydrochemical Patterns in a Structurally Controlled Geothermal System
Brehme M, Haase C, Regenspurg S, Moeck I, Deon F, Wiegand B, Kamah Y, Zimmermann G & Sauter M
(2013) Gas Analysis at a Geothermal Facility: On-Line Monitoring Above Ground and Measurements in the Borehole
Feldbusch E, Wiersberg T, Zimmer M, Francke H & Regenspurg S
(2013) Occurrence and Distribution of Natural Occurring Radioactive Materials at a Geothermal Facility in the North German Basin
Regenspurg S, Dilling J, Naumann R, Mielcarek J, Schkade U-K & Zotzmann J
(2013) Monitoring the Stability of Scale Inhibitors by ATR-FTIR at High Pressures and Temperatures in Synthetic Geothermal Fluids
Vetter A & Regenspurg S
(2012) The Role of Lead (Pb) in Highly Saline Fluids of a Deep Geothermal System: Complexation and Precipitation
Regenspurg S, Naumann R, Deon F & Feldbusch E
(2011) Sulfate Mineral Solubilities in Na-Ca-Cl Brines
Banks J & Regenspurg S
(2011) Biogeochemical Characterization of Geothermal Fluids
Vieth-Hillebrand A, Vetter A, Sachse A, Henne S, Regenspurg S & Mangelsdorf K
(2011) Monitoring Fluid Properties in a Geothermal Plant
Regenspurg S, Harald M, Giese R & Mathias P
(2011) Hydraulic-Hydrochemical Modelling of a Geothermal Reservoir in Indonesia
Brehme M, Regenspurg S & Zimmermann G
(2010) Determining Mineral Solubilities in Simulated Geothermal Brines
Banks J, Regenspurg S & Milsch H
Regenspurg S, Banks J & Zimmermann G
(2009) Corrosion and Scaling in Low-Enthalphy Geothermal Systems in Northern Germany
Regenspurg S, Schmidt K, Milsch H, Saadat A & Huenges E
(2009) Hyperaccumulation of U in Organic-Rich Alpine Soils, Dischma Valley, Davos, Switzerland
Steinmann P, Regenspurg S, Roquier C, Bernier-Latmani R, Sager F & Froidevaux P
(2009) Binding of Uranium to Organic-Rich Soils in an Alpine Region in Switzerland
Roquier C, Regenspurg S, Harfouche M, Froidevaux P, Steinmann P, Junier P & Bernier-Latmani R
(2006) Experimental determination of UO22+ sorption and reduction at mineral surfaces
Regenspurg S, Schäfer T & Malmström M
(2006) Modelling Ni(II) Sorption in Granitic Groundwater
Malmström ME, Regenspurg S & Docampo Cabaleiro E
(2002) Geochemical Constraints for the Remediation of Acidic Mining Lakes
Peiffer S, Regenspurg S & Kuesel K