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All abstracts by Natascha Riedinger in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Local Controls on Marine Silicate Weathering and Alkalinity Production in Surface Sediments from the Argentine Basin
Jones CK, Riedinger N, Torres ME & Lyons TW

(2023) Iron Oxides as Trace Metal Carriers Near Hydrothermal Vents: A Potential Indicator for Local Oceanographic Changes
Haygood L, Jones CK, Troxel A, Huck L, Provenza CM, Veresh A, Quan T, Lichtschlag A, Köster M, Torres ME, Bohrmann G & Riedinger N

(2023) Sedimentary Accumulation of Critical Metals Nearby Hydrothermal Vent Fields and Volcanic Islands
Riedinger N, Haygood L, Shook E, Jones CK, Lichtschlag A, Köster M, Torres ME & Bohrmann G

(2023) Organic Matter and Methane Dynamics in the Japan Trench Sediments
Luo M, Kölling M, Riedinger N, März C, Torres ME, Bao R, Rasbury T, Bellanova P, Johnson J, Maeda L, Everest J, Ikehara K & Strasser M

(2022) Changes in Atlantic Deep-Water Current Ventilation during the Last Glacial Interval Recorded in Cape Basin Sediments
Riedinger N, Abshire ML, Scholz F & Zabel M

(2022) Sedimentary Noble Metal Signals as Tracers for Hydrothermal Vent Input
Provenza CM, Jones CK, Haygood L, Torres ME, Bohrmann G & Riedinger N

(2021) Extreme Variation in Rare Earth Element Accumulation along a Continental Margin Transect
Riedinger N & Abshire ML

(2020) Trace Metal Cycling in the Upper Sedimentary Redox Zones in an Ocean Desert
Riedinger N, Jones CK, Köster M, Bohrmann G, Colwell FS & Torres ME

(2019) Benthic Trace Element Cycling Controlled by Glacial Activity in Arctic Fjords (Spitsbergen, Svalbard)
Herbert L, Riedinger N, Michaud A, Laufer K, Røy H, Jørgensen B, Aller R & Wehrmann L

(2019) Depositional Control on Marine Sedimentary Trace Metal Accumulation
Abshire M, Riedinger N, Cofrancesco J & Owens J

(2018) Biogeochemical Processing of Glacially Sourced Trace Metals in High-Latitude Fjord Sediments
Herbert L, Riedinger N, Aller R, Jørgensen B & Wehrmann L

(2018) The Isotope Signature of Benthic Fe Cycling in Glacially Influenced Fjord Sediments
Wehrmann L, Severmann S, Riedinger N, Formolo M & Lyons T

(2018) Uranium Recycling along the Namibia Continental Margin
Abshire M, Kuzminov A, Severmann S, Cofrancesco J & Riedinger N

(2018) Carbonate Associated Sulfate as a Chemostratigraphic Tool
Brunner B, Bergersen E, Steinmann J & Riedinger N

(2018) Effects of Redox Conditions on Organic Matter Accumulation in the Mississippian Limestone, Anadarko Shelf, Oklahoma
Adeboye O, Riedinger N & Quan T

(2017) Geochemical Reconstruction of Paleoceanographic Conditions during Mississippian Limestone Deposition
Steinmann J, Riedinger N, Grammer GM & Brunner B

(2017) The Uranium/Organic Carbon Relationship: A Comparison of Devonian and Modern Systems
Abshire M, Cofrancesco J & Riedinger N

(2017) The Vanadium Isotope Composition of Marine Sediments
Wu F, Owens J, Nielsen S, Scholz F, Riedinger N, Peterson L & Lyons T

(2017) Anaerobic Oxdiation of Methane in Marine Sediments: A Global Synthesis
Egger M, Riedinger N & Jørgensen BB

(2016) Diagenetic History of Large Enigmatic Carbonate Concretions Woodford Shale Criner Hills Area Oklahoma
Martin D, Pashin J, Riedinger N, Gregg J & Gilhooly W

(2016) Spatiotemporal Variations in the Degree and Frequency of Baltic Sea Holocene Anoxia
Hardisty D, Riedinger N, Holdaway B, Planavsky N, Bates S, Asael D & Lyons T

(2015) Beyond Authigenic Apatite: New (and Old) Insights into the Marine Phosphorus Cycle
März C, Brumsack H-J, Kasten S, Poulton SW, Riedinger N, Schnetger B & Wagner T

(2015) A Holocene History of Dynamic Redox Conditions in the Landsort Deep, Baltic Sea
Hardisty D, Riedinger N, Lyons T, Planavsky N, Andrén T, Jorgensen B, Slomp C, Ash J, Bauersachs T & Martin E

(2014) Molybdenum Cycling in Deep Marine, Oxide-Rich Sediments: Implications for the Mo Paleoproxy
Riedinger N & Lyons T

(2013) Tectonically Enhanced Deep Subsurface Microbial Carbon Cycling in the Nankai Trough, Japan
Riedinger N, Strasser M & Lyons TW

(2012) New Insights from FOAM: Iron and Trace Metal Cycling in Highly Sulfidic Pore Waters beneath an Oxic Water Column
Hardisty D, Riedinger N, Gill B, Johnston D, Reinhard C, Planavsky N, Asael D & Lyons T

(2012) Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane Coupled to Iron Reduction in Deep Marine Sediments
Riedinger N, Formolo MJ, Lyons TW, Henkel S, Voemeyer A, Reese BK, Mills HJ & Kasten S

(2012) Methane and Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Biogeochemistry in the Argentine Basin
Formolo M, Riedinger N, Mogollon J, Henkel S, Tomasini J, Strasser M, Vossmeyer A & Kasten S

(2011) Molybdenum as a Paleoredox Proxy: An Update
Lyons T, Arnold G, Chappaz A, Gill B, Planavsky N, Reinhard C, Riedinger N, Scott C & Anbar A

(2011) Microbially Mediated Iron Reduction in the Methanic Zone of Sediments from the Western Argentine Basin
Riedinger N, Formolo MJ, Henkel S, Reese BK, Mills HJ, Voßmeyer A, Arnold GL, Sawicka J, Tomasini J, Love GD, Lyons TW & Kasten S

(2004) Iron Diagenesis within and Below the Zone of Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane
Riedinger N, Pfeifer K, Kasten S, Garming J, Vogt C & Hensen C

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