All abstracts by Alexander Rocholl in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Comparative Chronology of Apollo 16 Impactites and Implications for the Landing Site StratigraphyČernok A, Haber T, Dürr T, Rocholl A, Schwarz WH, Jeon H, Whitehouse M, Scherer EE & Becker H
(2021) The Behavior of the U-Pb System in Apatite and Zr Minerals in Pristine Lunar Norite during Infiltration by Imbrium Impact Melt
Vanderliek DM, Becker H, Rocholl A, Schwarz WH & Whitehouse M
(2020) Zircon-Baddeleyite Age Relationships in a Polymict Lunar Breccia
Vanderliek D, Becker H, Rocholl A & Schwarz W
(2019) Origin of Chromitites with UHP Minerals in the Aladag Ophiolite, Turkey: Two-Way Recycling in Oceanic Lithosphere Generation
Lian D, Yang J, Wiedenbeck M, Dilek Y, Rocholl A & Wu W
(2018) Differentiating between Euxinic and Diagenetic Pyrite in the Barney Creek Formation – Implications for Ore Formation in the Teena Sub-Basin, Australia
Magnall J, Gleeson S, Rocholl A & Hayward N
(2018) Sources of S in the Paleoproterozoic Urquhart Shale Hosted George Fisher Zn-Pb-Ag Deposit, Mt Isa, Australia
Rieger P, Magnall JM, Gleeson SA, Rocholl A & Lilly R
(2017) Boron Isotope Systematics in Cold Water Corals (Lophelia pertusa) along the Norwegian Margin: Zooming into a Potential pH-Proxy by Combining Bulk and High Resolution Approaches
Liebetrau V, Raddatz J, Fietzke J, Trotter J, Rocholl A, Krause S, McCulloch M, Rüggeberg A & Eisenhauer A
(2017) Calcium Isotopes as Tracers of Ocean Crust Alteration – Implications for Proxy Records
Böhm F, Rocholl A, Wiedenbeck M, Liebetrau V & Eisenhauer A
(2017) Impact-Generated Zircon and the History of Lunar Breccia 67955
Vanderliek DM, Becker H & Rocholl A
(2015) First Report on Hawaiian Carbonatites
Rocholl A, Jochum KP, Plessen B, Rhede D, Romer RL & Wirth R
(2013) Design Overview of the Potsdam 1280-HR SIMS Instrument
Rocholl A & Wiedenbeck M
(2007) A Depleted Lithosphere Component in the Hawaiian Plume: Noble Gas Evidence from Plume-Related Mantle Xenoliths
Rocholl A, Günther D, Trieloff M & Wirth R
(2007) Nb-Depleted Calc-Alkaline Dacites from Iceland: Implications for Archean Crust Formation
Hegner E, Willbold M, Stracke A & Rocholl A
(2004) Activity Disequilibrium of 230Th, 234U, and 238U in Old Stilbite: Effects of Young U Mobility and Daughter Implantation by a-Recoil
Romer R & Rocholl A
(2001) Water — a Source of Systematic Error in Quantitative SIMS Analyses of Hydrous Glasses
Wiedenbeck M, Rocholl A & Koepke J
(2000) Comparative Study of Koolau and Mauna Loa Primitive Melts: Investigation of Melt Inclusions in Olivines
Sobolev V, Sobolev A, Rocholl A & Hofmann A