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All abstracts by Massimo Rolle in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Hidden Reactive Transport Neural Network: A Physics- and Chemistry-Informed Accelerator for Pyrite Oxidation Modeling
Qiao H, Jooshaki M, Rolle M, Lähivaara T, Vauhkonen M, Kauppila T & Muniruzzaman M

(2023) A Stochastic Assessment of the Relevance of Electrostatic Effects during Contaminant Transport in Heterogeneous Groundwater Systems
Muniruzzaman M & Rolle M

(2023) Non-Isothermal Multiphase and Multicomponent Reactive Transport in Coupled Soil/Atmosphere Systems
Ahmadi N, Muniruzzaman M & Rolle M

(2022) Diffusive-Dispersive C and Cl Isotope Fractionation in Flow-Through Porous Media: A Study from Pore to Field Scale
Wienkenjohann H, Jin B & Rolle M

(2022) Electrokinetic Remediation: A Mixing and Biogeochemical Perspective
Rolle M & Sprocati R

(2022) Multicomponent Ionic Transport and Surface Complexation in Porous Media: Multidimensional Experiments and Reactive Transport Modeling
Cogorno J, Stolze L, Muniruzzaman M & Rolle M

(2022) Modeling Multicomponent Ionic Transport in Charged Porous Media: Multi-Continua Approach and Numerical Experiments in Heterogeneous Sandy-Clayey Domains
Muniruzzaman M & Rolle M

(2021) Arsenic Release during Oxidative Dissolution of Sulfide Minerals Under Dynamic Redox Conditions in Flow-Through Porous Media
Battistel M, Stolze L, Muniruzzaman M & Rolle M

(2020) Identification of Physical and Geochemical Controls on the Electrokinetic in situ Leaching of Gold
Ortega-Tong P, Jamieson J, Sprocati R, Sun J, Rolle M, Fourie A & Prommer H

(2019) A Modelling Approach for Multicomponent Ionic Transport in Heterogeneous Clayey-Sandy Domains
Muniruzzaman M & Rolle M

(2019) Pyrite Oxidation in Chemically Heterogeneous Porous Media: Flow-Through Experiments and Reactive Transport Modelling
Battistel M, Muniruzzaman M, Onses F, Lee J & Rolle M

(2019) Model-Based Interpretation of Arsenic Release during in situ Exposure of Iron Oxides
Stolze L, Zhang D, Guo H & Rolle M

(2016) Multicomponent Ionic Transport and pH Fronts Propagation
Rolle M & Muniruzzaman M

(2015) Modeling Multi-Element Isotope Fractionation during Biodegradation of Organic Micropollutants
Jin B & Rolle M

(2014) Upscaling Diffusion Effects in Groundwater Transport: An Investigation from Pore to Field Scale
Rolle M, Chiogna G, Hochstetler D & Kitanidis P

(2014) Reactive Transport Benchmarks for Multicomponent Diffusion and Electrical Double Layer Transport
Steefel C, Alt-Epping P, Rasouli P, Mayer U, Jenni A, Rolle M, Tournassat C, Navarre-Sitchler A & Beisman J

(2014) Mechanistic and Multi-Element Isotope Modeling of Organic Contaminant Degradation
Jin B & Rolle M

(2013) Oxygen Transfer Across the Capillary Fringe: Impact of Transient Flow Conditions and Coarse-Material Lenses
Haberer CM, Rolle M, Cirpka OA & Gratwohl P

(2013) Integrated C and Cl Isotope Modeling of Chlorinated Ethenes Degradation
Jin B, Haderlein S & Rolle M

(2013) Entropy and Reactive Solute Transport in Porous Media
Chiogna G, Hochstetler DL, Bellin A, Kitanidis PK & Rolle M

(2012) Experimental and Modeling Investigation of Conservative and Reactive Transverse Mixing in Porous Media
Rolle M

(2012) Using Pore-Scale Simulations to Better Quantify Mixing and Mass Transformation in Upscaled Models
Hochstetler D, Rolle M & Kitanidis P

(2011) Comparison of Different Evaluation Schemes and Optimization of Instrumental Parameters for Chlorine Isotope Analysis of Organic Compounds Using GC-Qms
Jin B, Laskov C, Rolle M & Haderlein SB

(2011) Compound-Specific Transverse Dispersion in Porous Media: Darcy-Scale Experiments and Pore-Scale Modeling Interpretation
Rolle M, Hochstetler D, Chiogna G, Kitanidis PK & Grathwohl P

(2010) Influence of Humic and Fulvic Acid on Arsenic Transport in Columns Filled with Ferrihydrite-Coated Sand
Sharma P, Rolle M, Kocar B, Fendorf S & Kappler A

(2009) Coupled Modeling of Biogeochemical and Isotope Fractionation Processes at a BTEX/PAH Contaminated Site
Prommer H, Anneser B, Rolle M & Griebler C

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