All abstracts by Giovanni Ruggieri in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2016) The Eastern Elba Island Magmatic-Hydrothermal Complex: A Proxy for the Supercritical Roots of Larderello Geothermal System (Italy)Dini A, Brogi A, Liotta D, Rimondi V, Ruggieri G & Zucchi M
(2015) Geochemical Modeling of High Temperatute Geothermal Systems
Montegrossi G, Ruggieri G & Cantucci B
(2013) Fluid Geochemistry of the Deep CO2-Rich Caprese Reservoir (Northern Apennines, Italy)
Bicocchi G, Tassi F, Bonini M, Capecchiacci F, Ruggieri G, Chiodini G, Buccianti A & Vaselli O
(2012) The Carbon Dioxide Mineral Sequestration Analogues: Examples from Tuscany (Italy)
Boschi C, Dallai L, Dini A, Baneschi I, Langone A, Cavallo A & Ruggieri G
(2011) Natural Analogue of CO2 Mineral Sequestration: The Tuscan Magnesite Deposits
Boschi C, Dallai L, Dini A & Ruggieri G
(2000) Geochronology of Heterogeneous Minerals: 3. Biotites from the Larderello Geothermal Field
Villa IM, Ruggieri G & Puxeddu M