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All abstracts by Uri Ryb in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Late Paleozoic Oxygenation of Marine Environments Constrained by Dolomite U-Pb Dating
Ryb U, Ben-Israel M, Holder RM, Nelson LL, Smith E & Kylander-Clark A

(2023) More Than Just an Age – U-Pb Dating of Neoarchean Carbonates
Neagu N, Kylander-Clark A, Fischer WW & Ryb U

(2023) What has Driven a Late Miocene Drop in Clumped Isotope Temperatures of Detrital Calcite in Himalayan River Systems?
Ryb U, Ponton C, France-Lanord C, Eiler J & Yoshida K

(2023) From Rock to Clay: Isotope-Geochemical Study: Toward Provenance Study
Harlavan Y, Morag N, Ryb U & Berlin O

(2021) U-Pb Dating and Clumped Isotopes Constraints on Massive-Dolomite Formation Environments
Ben-Israel M, Ryb U, Holder RM & Kylander-Clark A

(2020) Structural and Isotopic Reordering in Magnesite: Insights from Heating Experiments
Bhattacharjee S, Ryb U, Eiler JM & Asimow PD

(2019) Clumped Isotope Compositions of Detrital Carbonates in the Himalayan River System – 2) The Cenozoic River
Ryb U, Ponton C, Eiler J, France-Lanord C & Yoshida K

(2019) Clumped Isotope Compositions of Detrital Carbonates in the Himalayan River System – 1) The Modern Ganga Basin
Ponton C, Ryb U, Eiler J, France-Lanord C & Yoshida K

(2018) Carbonate Isotopic Constraints on Seawater Chemistry during Pliensbachian – Toarcian
Li Q, McArthur J, Eiler J, Ryb U & Thirlwall M

(2018) Linking High- and Low-Temperature Processes in the Crust with U–Pb Dating of Carbonate Rocks and Minerals
Holder R, Hacker B & Ryb U

(2017) Paleozoic-Mesozoic Dolomitization of the Colorado Plateau by Deep Circulation of Sea-Water
Ryb U & Eiler J

(2015) The Clumped-Isotope Geochemistry of Marble Exhumation
Ryb U, Eiler JM, Farley KA, Lloyd MK & Stolper DA

(2013) Variations in Modes and Rates of Long-Term Denudation in Carbonate Terrains Under Mediterranean to Hyper-Arid Climates
Ryb U, Matmon A, Erel Y, Haviv I & Benedetti L

(2011) Fluid-Flow Controls of Low δ57Fe Hydrothermal Iron Mineralization
Matthews A, Erel Y, Stern D, Ryb U & Avni Y

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