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All abstracts by Blair Schoene in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) The Age of KREEP
Dauphas N, Zhang ZJ, Chen XC, Barboni M, Szymanowski D, Schoene B, Leya I & McKeegan KD

(2024) Condensation for Concentration: Relationships between Sedimentation Rate and Phosphogenesis in Reworked Sediments of the Monterey Formation of Central California
Anttila ESC, Macdonald FA, Szymanowski D, Schoene B, Kylander-Clark A & Jones D

(2023) Calibrating Timescales and Measuring pCO2 to Test the Role of LIP Volcanism in the Miocene Climate Optimum
Kasbohm J, Jurikova H, Schoene B, Holbourn A, Planavsky NJ, Rae JWB & Hull PM

(2023) Tracking Crustal Contamination in Arc Batholiths: The Adamello Case Study
Pimenta Silva M, Giuliani A, Schaltegger U, Schoene B, Ulmer P & Müntener O

(2023) Ti and Fe Isotopic Signatures of Basalt Melting and Crustal Reworking in Archean Granitoids
Zhang ZJ, Dauphas N, Johnson A, Aarons SM, Bennett VC, Nutman A, MacLennan S & Schoene B

(2023) Developing Reference Materials for High-Resolution Apatite Petrochronology
Apen FE, Gaynor SP & Schoene B

(2023) Building and Re-building a Super-Eruption: ID-TIMS U-Pb Geochronology of the Lower and Upper Bandelier Tuff
Steiner-Leach TL, Schoene B & Szymanowski D

(2023) High-Precision Zircon Geochronology and Geochemistry from the Santa Rita Porphyry Cu Deposit, NM, USA
Gaynor SP, Audetat A, Chang J, Koran I & Schoene B

(2023) U-Pb Zircon Ages from K-Feldspar Megacrysts Track Extent of Magma Mixing in the Tuolumne Intrusive Complex
Watts E, Chen J, Memeti V & Schoene B

(2023) Investigating a Potential 4.33 Ga Large Impact Event on the Moon with High-Precision Lunar Zircon Ages and Geochemistry
Barboni M, Szymanowski D, Schoene B & McKeegan KD

(2023) U-Pb Zircon Petrochronology in Magmatic Systems: A Tribute to URStime
Schoene B

(2022) Radiometric Constraints on the Timing, Tempo, and Effects of Large Igneous Province Emplacement
Kasbohm J, Schoene B, Burgess SD & Hull PM

(2021) Chromium Burial in Continental Margin Sediments
Bruggmann S, Szymanowski D, Severmann S, Schoene B & McManus J

(2021) U-Pb Geochronology at 100ppm Age Uncertainty
Schaltegger U, Ovtcharova M, Gaynor SP, Schoene B, Wotzlaw J-F, Davies JHFL, Farina F & Greber ND

(2021) Geochronology of Flood Basalts Provinces: Where are We, and What’s Next?
Schoene B

(2019) Large Isotopic Variability at the Micron-Scale in Shuram Excursion Carbonates from South Australia
Husson J, Linzmeier B, Sliwinski M, Kitajima K, Ishida A, Maloof A, Schoene B, Peters S & Valley J

(2019) Plagioclase and K-Feldspar Megacryst Recycling in a Large, Prolonged Magma Mush, Tuolumne Intrusive Complex, California
Memeti V, Chambers M, Oppenheim L, Barnes C, Eddy M & Schoene B

(2018) The Tempo of the Deccan Traps Flood Basalts Relative to the End-Cretaceous Mass Extinction
Schoene B, Eddy M, Samperton K, Keller G, Adatte T & Khadri S

(2018) Causal Implications of New Geochronological Constraints on Mesozoic Post-Rift Magmatism in New England
Kinney ST, Setera JB, Olsen PE, MacLennan SA, VanTongeren JA, Schoene B, Town CF, Strauss JV, Hemming SR & Bradley DC

(2018) U-Pb Zircon Ages Correlate the Columbia River Flood Basalt with the Mid-Miocene Climate Optimum
Kasbohm J & Schoene B

(2017) What We’ve Learned Through Petrochronology by U-Pb TIMS-Tea
Schoene B, Samperton K, Pamukcu A, Barboni M, Keller B & Schaltegger U

(2017) Stepwise Chemical Abrasion ID-TIMS-Tea of Hadean Jack Hills Zircon Microfragments
Keller CB, Boehnke P, Schoene B & Harrison TM

(2015) Assessing the Long-Term Reproducibility of High-Precision ID-TIMS U-Pb Data
Schaltegger U, Wotzlaw J-F, Ovtcharova M, Schoene B, Davies JHFL & Baresel B

(2015) Was Archean Crust Hot?
Schoene B, Blackburn T & Keller B

(2015) Temporal Variation in Average Zircon Saturation Temperature over Last 4 Gyr
Keller CB, Schoene B & Boehnke P

(2014) Temporal and Compositional Heterogeneity in Accessory Minerals: Implications for Magmatic Differentiation and Pluton Emplacement Processes
Samperton K, Schoene B & Cottle J

(2014) Crystal Growth Rates in Plutonic Systems via ID-TIMS U-Pb Geochronology
Schoene B, Barboni M & Samperton K

(2014) Insights into the Formation of Archean Crust from Statistical Geochemistry of the Archean-Proterozoic Transition
Keller B & Schoene B

(2013) From Date to Process: Integrating Geochemistry and Geochronology on Very Short and Very Long Timescales
Schoene B

(2013) A Statistical Approach to the Volcanic – Plutonic Connection
Keller B, Schoene B, Samperton K, Barboni M, Gronewold J & Husson J

(2012) Multi-Scale Geochemical Time Series Constraints on Archean Lithosphere Formation
Schoene B & Keller CB

(2012) Integrated TIMS-Tea/LA-ICPMS Constraints on Pluton Emplacement
Samperton K, Schoene B, Cottle J & Crowley J

(2012) Secular Geochemical Evolution Linked to Atmospheric Oxidation
Keller CB & Schoene B

(2009) A New Method Integrating ID-TIMS U-Pb Geochronology with Zircon Trace Element Analysis
Schoene B, Schaltegger U, Latkoczy C & Günter D

(2009) Timing of Injection and of Thermal Maturation in a Mid-Crustal Variscan Bimodal Intrusion
Barboni M, Schoene B, Bussy F, Schaltegger U & Gerdes A

(2009) Taking the Pulse of Magma Emplacement
Schaltegger U, Schoene B & Brack P

(2008) Interpreting High-Precision U-Pb Zircon Dates: New Insights from Volcanic and Plutonic Rocks
Schoene B & Schaltegger U

(2008) The Growth of Plutons: How Precisely and Accurately can We Date Incremental Melt Emplacement with U-Pb Zircon (Adamello Intrusion, Northern Italy)?
Schaltegger U, Brack P, Ovtcharova M, Peytcheva I, Schoene B, Stracke A & Bargossi G

(2008) Synthetic U-Pb ‘standard’ Solutions for ID-TIMS Geochronology
Condon D, McLean N, Schoene B, Bowring S, Parrish R & Noble S

(2007) Recent Developments in U-Pb Thermochronology
Schoene B & Bowring S

(2007) High-Precision U-Pb Zircon Geochronology: Progress and Potential
Bowring S, Crowley J, Ramezani J, McLean N, Condon D & Schoene B

(2007) Precise Ages for the Triassic/Jurassic Boundary and Hettangian Recovery from Northern Peru
Schaltegger U, Schoene B, Bartolini A, Guex J & Ovtcharova M

(2006) EARTHTIME U-Pb Tracer For Community Use
Parrish R, Bowring S, Condon D, Schoene B, Crowley J & Ramezani J

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