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All abstracts by Thomas Seifert in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Evolution of the Ore Fluids Responsible for late-Variscan Sn-in-Polymetallic Mineralisation in the Skarn Ore District Pöhla, Germany Based on He-S Isotope Signature of Arsenopyrite
Seifert T & Stuart F

(2019) Nanoscale Compositional Segregation in Complex In-Bearing Sulfides
Krause J, Reddy SM, Rickard WDA, Saxey DW, Fougerouse D, Bauer ME, Seifert T & Gutzmer J

(2018) Indium Incorporation in Synthetic Sphalerite: Examination via Powder Diffraction and XANES Spectroscopy
Heinrich J, Bauer M, Göttlicher J, Seifert T & Heide G

(2018) Implications on the Timing of Ore-Formation of Sb Vein-Type Mineralization of the Berga Antiform, Germany
Krolop P, Seifert T, Gerdes A & Burisch M

(2017) Mineral Systems Analysis of Variscan Ore Deposits: The Need for Geochemical Data
Gutzmer J, Burisch M, Frenzel M, Ostendorf J, Haschke S, Seifert T & Markl G

(2017) Rare Element Bearing Skarns in the District of Oelsnitz-Schönbrunn, Vogtland Synclinorium, Germany
Petermann T, Seifert T, Hüttel SP, Barth A & Kallmeier E

(2017) Mineralogy, Fluid Inclusions and Geochemistry of Sb Vein-Type Mineralizations of the Berga Anticline, Eastern Thuringia, Germany
Krolop P, Seifert T, Richter L, Burisch M & Fritzke B

(2017) Late-Variscan Sn-Polymetallic Overprinting of the Pöhla-Hämmerlein Skarn Zone, Erzgebirge, Germany
Jeske T & Seifert T

(2017) Indium-Bearing Sulphides from the Hämmerlein Polymetallic Skarn Deposit, Germany – Evidence for Late Stage Diffusion of Indium into Sphalerite
Bauer ME, Seifert T, Krause J, Burisch M, Richter N & Gutzmer J

(2017) Formation of LCT Pegmatites in Archean Cratons: Constraints from 40Ar/39Ar Mica, U-Th-Pb Monazite and U-Pb Tantalite/Columbite Dating
Dittrich T, Seifert T, Schulz B, Pfänder J & Gerdes A

(2016) New 40Ar/39Ar Ages of Sn- and W-Polymetallic Mineralization in the Erzgebirge / Krušné Hory (DE, CZ)
Seifert T & Pavlova G

(2015) Rb-Sr Dating of Sphalerite from Poly-Metallic Sulfide Veins of the Freiberg Ore District, Erzgebirge (Germany)
Ostendorf J, Henjes-Kunst F, Seifert T & Gutzmer J

(2015) Mantle-Derived In Mineralization in the Erzgebirge and Kuril Island Arc
Seifert T, Chaplygin I, Yudovskaya M & Chaplygin O

(2015) Mineralization Potential and Trace Element Whole Rock Signatures of Archean Greenstone Belt-Hosted LCT-Pegmatite Deposits
Dittrich T & Seifert T

(2014) Li Isotopes and Geochemistry of Li–F–Sn Greisen from the Zinnwald Deposit, Germany
Bachmann K, Seifert T, Magna T, Neßler J & Gutzmer J

(2014) In-Rich Sn-F- and Ag(-Au)-Sulfide Polymetallic Mineralization in the Internal Mid-European Variscides
Seifert T

(2011) Geochemistry of Lamprophyres in Rare-Metal Districts Related to Granitoids
Stemprok M, Seifert T & Dolejs D

(2011) Calc-Alkaline Lamprophyre from Lusatia (Germany) Derived from a Multiply Enriched Mantle Source
Abdelfadil K, Romer R, Seifert T & Lobst R

(2011) Gallium in Bauxite Deposits
Dittrich T, Seifert T & Gutzmer J

(2011) Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Age of Greisen Mineralization in the Li-Rb-Cs-Sn-W Deposit Zinnwald, Erzgebirge, Germany
Seifert T, Atanasova P, Gutzmer J & Pfänder J

(2011) Sulfur Isotope Data from Beaver Brook Antimony Deposit, Central Newfoundland, Canada: A Hint for the Source of Mineralization?
Sandmann D, Seifert T & Gutzmer J

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