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All abstracts by Osamu Seki in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Application of Compound Specific Hydrogen Isotopes to Reconstruct Paleoclimate in Antarctica
Seki O, Ono K, Nakamura Y, McKay R & Weber ME

(2022) Antiphased Dust Deposition and Productivity in the Antarctic Zone over 1.5 Million Years
Weber ME, Bailey I, Hemming SR, Martos YM, Reilly BT, Ronge TA, Brachfeld S, Williams T, Belt S, Smik L, Vogel H, Peck V, Gutjahr M & Seki O

(2020) Evidence for Decoupling of Climate and Carbonaceous Aerosol over the Past 160 kyrs
Honda H, Seki O, Ono K & Iizuka Y

(2020) Variations of the North and South Pacific Subtropical Gyres over the Past 400 kyrs
Furukawa K & Seki O

(2016) Cooling of Deep Southern Ocean in the Late Miocene
Horikawa K, Kawanishi R, Seki O, Okazaki Y & Onodera J

(2015) Evidence for Coulpling of Climate and CO2 during the Late Neogene Cooling
Seki O, Schmidt D, Mackensen A, Kawamura K & Pancost R

(2014) δ13C Records of Diploptene in the California Sediments over the Past 25 kyr
Nakakuni M, Seki O, Yamamoto S & Ishiwatari R

(2011) Behavior of Biological and Terrigenous Elements during the Late Cenozoic in the Bering Sea: Paleoceanographic Constraints of the IODP Exp. 323 Sediments by High Resolution Non-Destructive TATSCAN Scanning
Sakamoto T, Sakai S, Takahashi K, Mic AC, Asahi H, Ikehara M, Okada M, Ijiri A, Onodera J, Okazaki Y, Horikawa K, Seki O & Aoki K

(2009) PCO2 and Climate – Evidence from Boron Based Proxies of pH and pCO2
Foster G, Seki O, Pancost R & Schmidt D

(2005) Hydrogen Isotopic Compositions of Long-Chain N-Alkanes in the Doro River Basin, Hokkaido Island, Japan
Seki O, Nakatsuka T, Shibata H & Kawamura K

(2003) Biomarker Flux in Sinking Particle from the Sea of Okhotsk: Comparison between Organic and Inorganic Tracers
Seki O, Yoshikawa C, Fujimune T, Nakatsuka T, Kawamura K & Okada H

(2002) Reconstruction of Paleoproductivity in the Sea of Okhotsk over the Last 30 kyrs
Kawamura K, Seki O, Ikehara M, Ohnishi K, Nakatsuka T & Narita H

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