All abstracts by Leonid Shumlyanskyy in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) The Eoarchean to Mesoproterozoic History of Granulites in the Dniester–Bouh Domain, Ukrainian Shield as Revealed by PetrochronologyShumlyanskyy L, Wilde SA, Nemchin A, Johnson T, Alfing J & Jourdan F
(2023) A Tentative Model for the Origin of Anorthosite-Gabbronorite Sejny Massif, NE Poland – Geochemistry, U–Pb Ages, Sr–Nd and Hf–O Isotopic Composition
Grabarczyk-Gurba A, Krzemińska E, Shumlyanskyy L & Gurba D
(2021) U-Pb LA-ICP-MS Geochronology of Polygenetic Zircons from Orthogneiss of the Beshta and Kamenistaya Massifs (the Greater Caucasus)
Shengelia D, Chichinadze G, Shumlyanskyy L, Tsutsunava T, Beridze G & Javakhishvili I
(2020) First Zircon Evidence of Hadean Material in the Ukrainian Shield
Shumlyanskyy L, Wilde S, Artemenko G, Bekker A, Whitehouse M & Nemchin A
(2020) Pb Nanospheres in Metamorphic Zircon
Kusiak MA, Wirth R, Dunkley DJ, Shumlyanskyy L, Whitehouse MJ & Wilde SA
(2013) Eoarchaean Crust in the Dniestr-Bug Region, Ukrainian Shield – Pb-Hf-O Isotope Constraints
Claesson S, Shumlyanskyy L, Bibikova E, Billström K, Whitehouse M & Andersen T
(2011) Early Archean Crust of the Ukrainian Shield – Evidence from Detrital Zircons
Bibikova E, Shumlyanskyy L, Hawkesworth CJ, Claesson S, Storey C, Dhuime B & Fedotova A
(2010) Fe-Ti Oxide Ores with P-Bearing Minerals of the Fedorivka (Ukraine) and Suwalki-Sejny (Poland) Precambrian AMCG Massifs
Shumlyanskyy L, Wiszniewska J & Krzeminska E