All abstracts by Andreas Teske in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Methane Clumped Isotopes Reveal the Formation of Microbial MethaneLiu J, Young ED, Pellerin A, Ash JL, Barrett GT, Girguis PR, Harris CM, Krause SJE, Leavitt WD, Murphy K, Qin Q, Sivan O, Teske A, Valentine DL, Walter-Anthony K & Treude T
(2024) Differentiating Thermogenic from Microbial Methanogenesis: Insights from Multiply Substituted Isotopologues of Methane
Guibourdenche LL, Teske A, Ash JL, Leavitt WD & Young ED
(2021) Archaeal Niche Partitioning and Non-Temperature Effects on the TEX86 Paleotemperature Proxy in Planktonic Communities from the Gulf of Mexico
Elling FJ, Warren C, Nigro LM, Goldenstein NI, Teske A & Hinrichs K-U
(2021) Magnetic Mineral Diagenesis and Associated Biogeochemical Processes in Cold Seepage and Gas Hydrate Sites of the Guaymas Basin
Kars M, Pastor L, Burin C, Morono Y, Koornneef LMT, Höfig TW, Teske A, Lizarralde D, Aiello I, Ash J, Bojanova D, Buatier M, Edgcomb VP, Galerne C, Gontharet S, Heuer VB, Jiang S, Kim J-H, Marsaglia K, Meyer NR, Neumann F, Negrete R, Peña-Salinas M, Perez Cruz L, Ran L, Riboulleau A, Sarao J, Schubert F, Singh SK, Stock J, Toffin L, Xie W, Xu S, Yamanaka T & Zhuang G
(2018) Uncovering Microbial Species-Specific Effects on Organic Matter Transformation Through Novel Isotopic Approaches
Mahmoudi N, Enke T, Beaupre S, Teske A, Cordero O & Pearson A
(2018) Intracellular Calcite and Sulfur Dynamics of Achromatium Cells in Aerobic Incubation Experiments
Yang T, Ambrose W, Nielsen LP, Carvalho V & Teske A
(2017) Radioactive Disequilibrium in Sediments of the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California/Sea of Cortés
Benninger L, Hensen C, Teske A & MacGregor B
(2017) Novel Hydrocarbon Utilization Pathways Uncultured Sediment Microbes
Baker B, Dombrowski N, Seitz K, Rambo I & Teske A
(2016) Factors Controlling the Distribution of Microbial Lipids in Marine Subseafloor Sediments
Hinrichs K-U, Meador T, Buttigieg P-L, Teske A & Darclife T
(2013) Functional Contrasts and Functional Redundancy in Arctic Bacterial Communities in the Oxic Water Column and Anoxic Sediments
Arnosti C, Cardman Z, Steen A, Ziervogel K & Teske A
(2013) Insights into Potential Metabolisms of the Cosmopolitan Miscellaneous Crenarchaeotal Group (MCG) from Estuarine Sediments Using Metagenomics
Lazar C, Baker B, Dick G, Hinrichs K-U & Teske A
(2013) Production of Archaeal Lipid Biomarkers in Stable Isotope Labeled Incubations of MCG-Rich Sediments
Meador TB, Kuippers G, Lazar CS, Könneke M, Teske A & Hinrichs K-U
(2012) Natural-Abundance Stable Carbon Isotopes of Small-Subunit Ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA): First Results from Guaymas Basin (Mexico)
MacGregor B, Mendlovitz H, Albert D & Teske A
(2010) Anaerobic Methane Oxidation in Cool, Warm, and Hot Guaymas Basin Hydrothermal Sediments
Biddle J, Cardman Z, Mendlovitz H, Albert D, Lloyd K, Boetius A & Teske A
(2009) Microbial Community Stratification in TOC-Depleted Marine Subsurface Sediments of the Pacific Ocean
Durbin A, Biddle J, Martino A, House C, Fischer J, Spivack A, Schrum H, D'Hondt S & Teske A
(2009) Stable Carbon Isotope Probing of Intact Polar Lipids from Benthic Archaea in Marine Subsurface Sediment
Lin Y-S, Biddle JF, Lipp JS, Holler T, Teske A & Hinrichs K-U
(2009) Spatial Structure and Activity of Shallow Subsurface Microbial Communities in a Gulf of Mexico Methane Seep
Lloyd K, Albert D, Chanton J & Teske A
(2008) Ubiquitous Distribution of Methanogens and Anaerobic Methanotrophs in Subseafloor Sediments and Basalts
Lever M, Inagaki F, Morono Y, Masui N & Teske A
(2008) A Genetic View of Diversity beneath the Seafloor
Biddle J & Teske A
(2002) Quantitative Molecular Techniques to Study the Abundance and Activity of Microorganisms in the Marine Deep Subsurface
Neretin LN, Schippers A, Teske A, Ferdelman T, Joergensen BB & L2SSP