All abstracts by Nivedita Thiagarajan in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Insights into Ethane Creation, Evolution, and Destruction from Clumped IsotopologuesAnadu JS, Thiagarajan N, Kitchen N, Shuai Y, Warr O, Sherwood Lollar B & Eiler J
(2024) Formation Mechanisms for Abiotic Hydrocarbons
Thiagarajan N & Eiler J
(2021) Clumped Methane Isotopes: New Insights into Origin and Formation Mechanisms of Natural Gases and a Potential Geothermometer
Albrecht N, Thiagarajan N, Xie H, Dong G, Kohl IE & Eiler J
(2019) Does Natural Gas Form in Isotopic Equilibrium?
Thiagarajan N, Xie H, Ponton C, Kitchen N, Peterson B, Lawson M, Formolo M, Xiao Y & Eiler J
(2018) Integrated Geochemical and Microbiological Study of Wilcox Oils and Gases of Northern Louisiana
Lawson M, Formolo M, Skinner B, Summers Z, Biddle J, Kitchen N, Thiagarajan N, Xie H & Eiler J
(2018) Clumped and Stable Isotope Characterization of Methane Seep Environments
Thiagarajan N, Cremiere A, Blattler C, Higgins J, Lepland A & Eiler J
(2017) Clumped Isotope Characterization of Authigenic Carbonates and Methane in Cold Seep Environments
Thiagarajan N, Cremiere A, Lepland A, Brunstad H & Eiler J
(2016) Seasonal Variations in Clumped Isotope and ∆17O of Atmospheric CO2 at La Jolla, CA
Thiagarajan N, Passey B, Welp-Smith L, Eiler J & Keeling R
(2012) The MAT-253 Ultra -a Novel High-Resolution, Multi-Collector Gas Source Mass Spectrometer
Eiler J, Clog M, Deerberg M, Magyar P, Piasecki A, Schlueter H-J, Schweiters J, Sessions A, Stolper D & Thiagarajan N
(2012) Clumped and Magnesium Isotopes in Corals: A Comparison with Traditional Paleothermometers
Saenger C, Thiagarajan N, Felis T, Lough J, Holcomb M, Gaetani G, Cohen A, Affek H & Wang Z
(2011) Past Ocean Temperatures and Coupled U/Th and 14C Measurements from Deep-Sea Corals
Thiagarajan N, Adkins J & Eiler J
(2010) Past Ocean Temperature and Radiocarbon Values from Deep-Sea Corals
Adkins J & Thiagarajan N
(2009) Clumped Isotope Calibration of Modern Deep Sea Corals and Implications for Vital Effects
Thiagarajan N, Guo W, Adkins J & Eiler J
(2008) Carbonate 'Clumped Isotope' Thermometry: A Status Report
Eiler J, Affek H, Daeron M, Ferry J, Guo W, Huntington K, Thiagarajan N & Tripati A
(2008) ‘Clumped Isotope’ Thermometery in Foraminifera
Tripati A, Thiagarajan N & Eiler J
(2006) Remnant iron oxide/sulfide mattes from a Hadean magma ocean at the core-mantle boundary: insights from a small scale post-Archean analog
Lee C-T, Lenardic A, Thiagarajan N, Agranier A, O'Neill C & Yin Q-Z