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All abstracts by Ken-Ichi Bajo in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2021) Sample Analysis of Phobos Regolith Returned by JAXA's Martian Moons eXploration (MMX) Mission and its Scientific Objectives
Fujiya W, Furukawa Y, Sugahara H, Koike M, Bajo K-I, Chabot NL, Miura YN, Moynier F, Russell SS, Tachibana S, Takano Y, Usui T & Zolensky ME

(2019) Solar Wind Hydrogen and Helium in NASA Genesis Collectors
Yurimoto H, Sakamoto N, Bajo K-I, Jurewicz A & Burnet D

(2017) Coronal Mass Ejecta in Depth Profiling on NASA’s Genesis Mission
Tonotani A, Bajo K-I, Olinger C, Reisenfeld D, Jurewicz A, Itose S, Sakaguchi I, Ishihara M, Uchino K, Burnett D & Yurimoto H

(2016) Micro-Distribution of Solar Wind Helium Implanted to Itokawa Particle
Bajo K, Sakaguchi I, Suzuki T, Itose S, Matsuya M, Ishihara M, Uchino K & Yurimoto H

(2016) Evaluation for Multi-Turn Time of Flight Mass Spectrum of Laser Ionization Mass Nanoscope
Tonotani A, Bajo K, Itose S, Ishihara M, Uchino K & Yurimoto H

(2014) Towards in situ 3-D Analysis of Noble Gases from Surface of Itokawa Particles and Genesis Targets
Yurimoto H, Bajo K-I, Itose S, Ishihara M & Uchino K

(2013) Development of a Novel TOF-Snms to Analyze Sub-Micron Noble Gas Distribution
Bajo K-I, Itose S, Matsuya M, Ishihara M, Uchino K, Kudo M, Sakaguchi I & Yurimoto H

(2010) Noble Gas Isotopic Compositions of Zircons Above the Bangombé Natural Fission Reactor
Kikuchi M, Nagao K, Bajo K-I & Hidaka H

(2009) Measurements of High-Energy Neutron Cross Sections for Accurate Cosmogenic Nuclide Production Rates
Nishiizumi K, Welten KC, Matsumura H, Caffee MC, Ninomiya K, Omoto T, Nakagaki R, Shima T, Takahashi N, Sekimoto S, Yashima H, Shibata S, Bajo K, Nagao K, Kinoshita N, Imamura M, Sisterson J & Shinohara A

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