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All abstracts by Sorin Silviu Udubasa in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Rejuvenation Features Evidenced by Fluid and Melt Inclusions from Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems in the Alpine Metallogenetic Provinces from Romania: Preliminary Approach
Pintea I, Udubasa SS, Munteanu M, Iatan EL, Dinca G & Cetean VM

(2022) Hydrosaline Melt Inclusion Provinces in Romania
Pintea I, Udubasa SS, Iatan EL, Berbeleac I, Munteanu M & Cetean VM

(2021) Is There a Eutectic Mixture of the Halite Daughter Phase with Sulphate±Carbonate±Phosphate±Borate±Fluoride in the Hydrosaline Melt Inclusions from Porphyry Cu-Au (±Mo) Deposits in Metaliferi Mountains, Western Romania?
Pintea I, Iatan EL, Udubasa SS, Berbeleac I & Ghinescu E

(2021) Minerals-, Glassy-, Globular Opaque and Fluid Inclusions from Metamorphic Recrystallized “MVT” Sulfide Mineralization from Blazna-Guşet Prospect, Rodna Mountains, Romania
Pintea I, Udubasa SS, Ghinescu E, Nutu ML, Iatan EL & Berbeleac I

(2020) Remnants of ”nelsonitic” Apatite as a Possible Source of Phosphorous from Epithermal and Porphyry Copper Deposits of Carpathians (Romania)
Pintea I, Udubasa SS, Ghinescu E, Iatan EL, Berbeleac I & Petrescu L

(2019) Clathrasil Compound Evidence in Fluid and Brine Inclusions by Microthermometry and Raman Spectroscopy
Pintea I, Udubasa SS, Nutu-Dragomir ML, Iatan EL, Berbeleac I, Petrescu L & Ghinescu E

(2018) Impact of an Historic Mercury Mine and Hg Processing Plant on the Surrounding Surface Soils (Apuseni Mts., Romania)
Petrescu L, Jianu D & Udubasa SS

(2018) Micro-Inclusions in Ag-Bearing Sulphosalts Assemblages – Possible Key to Estimate the Ore Fluid Evolution in Dealul Crucii Ore Deposit, Romania
Udubasa SS, Petrescu L & Udubasa G

(2018) Microthermometry and Raman Spectroscopy of Fluid and Melt Inclusions in the Alpine Porphyry Copper Deposits from Romania: Insights on Micrometallogeny
Pintea I, Udubasa SS, Birgaoanu D, Iatan EL & Barbu OC

(2011) “Hidden” Metals and Minerals: How to Detect Nanocompounds
Udubasa SS, Udubasa G, Constantinescu S & Popescu-Pogrion N

(2009) Nanoparticles and Bioavailability of Minerals and Metals
Petrescu L, Udubasa SS & Udubasa G

(2008) Nanogold and its Bearing on “Invisible Gold” in Sulfides
Udubasa SS, Petrescu L, Constantinescu S, Popescu-Pogrion N & Udubasa G

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