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All abstracts by Kenta Ueki in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Magmatic Evolution Leading to Multiple Calderagenic Eruptions at Kikai Volcano, Southwest Japan
Tejada MLG, Hanyu T, Miyazaki T, Hamada M, Chang Q, Sato T, McIntosh IM, Ueki K, Vaglarov B, Seama N, Kaneko K, Nakaoka R, Kiyosugi K, Suzuki-Kamata K, Tatsumi Y & Ishizuka O

(2022) Ocean Bottom Detector: New Under-Development Anti-Neutrino Detector for Direct Observation of Mantle Geo-Neutrino
Sakai T, Inoue K, Watanabe H, McDonough WF, Ueki K, Abe N, Kasaya T, Kyo M & Araki E

(2020) Metamorphic Evolution of Subducting Sediments Detected by Sparse-Modelling
Yoshida K, Kuwatani T, Ueki K, Oyanagi R & Akaho S

(2016) Experimental Presentation of Plate Tectonics Using Paraffin Wax
Vaglarov B, Ueki K, Sakuyama T, Hanyu T, Nichols A & Iwamori H

(2016) Geochemistry of High-Mg Andesitic Rocks in NE Kamchatka
Nishizawa T, Nakamura H, Churikova T, Gordeychik B, Ishizuka O, Bogdan V, Ueki K, Toyama C & Iwamori H

(2016) Effects of Water on Density and Seismic Velocity of Hydrous Melts Under 
crustal and Upper Mantle Conditions 

Ueki K & Iwamori H

(2007) Melting Condition and Origin of Arc Magmas beneath the Sengan Region, Northeastern Japan
Ueki K & Iwamori H

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