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All abstracts by Marc Ulrich in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Mantle Inheritance and its Link to Magma-Poor Rifting along the Southern N-Atlantic
Suire H, Ulrich M & Manatschal G

(2023) Partial Melting and Mantle-Melts Interactions at the Diamantina Zone:insights on the Mantle Evolution during Lithospheric Break-Up
Ballay M, Ulrich M & Manatschal G

(2023) Serpentinization as a Tape-Recorder of Mantle Exhumation: The Example of the Alpine Tethys Rifted Margins
Hochscheid F, Ulrich M, Munoz M, Manatschal G & Boulvais P

(2023) Modes and Impact of Crustal Contamination: Example of the Sondalo Gabbroic Complex (Central Alps, SE Switzerland – N Italy)
Morin M, Petri B & Ulrich M

(2022) The Temperatures and Cooling Rates Recorded by Ultramafic Rocks during Mantle Exhumation at Passive Margins: The Example of the Diamantina Zone, SW Australia
Ulrich M, Ballay M & Manatschal G

(2022) Mantle-Melt Interactions Related to Lithospheric Break-Up: Insights from the Diamantina Zone (SW Australia)
Ballay M, Ulrich M & Manatschal G

(2022) Fluid and Mineral Geochemistry during Experimental Seawater-Based Serpentinization
Hochscheid F, Ulrich M, Osselin F, Munoz M, Lemarchand D & Manatschal G

(2022) Crystal Chemistry and Concentration Process of Nickel in New Caledonia Laterite
Munoz M, Ulrich M, Cathelineau M & Mathon O

(2021) Ultramafic-Hosted Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits: An Overlooked Sub-Class of VMS Deposits Forming in Complex Tectonic Environments?
Patten CGC, Coltat R, Junge M, Peillod A, Ulrich M, Manatschal G & Kolb J

(2021) Reactive Transport Experiments of Coupled Carbonation and Serpentinization in a Natural Serpentinite. Implication for Hydrogen Production and Carbon Geological Storage
Osselin F, Pichavant M, Ulrich M & Raimbourg H

(2020) Conditions of Fluid-Rock Interactions and Related Chemical Mobilities in Magma-Poor Rifted Margins: Insights from Rodingites and Serpentinites
Ulrich M, Amann M, Muñoz M, Lemarchand D, Pelt E, Sauter D & Manatschal G

(2020) Geochemical Study of Serpentinization along an Ocean-Continent Transition Zone: The Alpine Tethys as a Case Study (SE-Switzerland)
Hochscheid F, Ulrich M, Munoz M, Lemarchand D & Manatschal G

(2020) Al and Fe Speciation in Natural Chrysotile, Lizardite and Antigorite, from Fe K-Edge XANES-EXAFS and 27Al NMR Spectroscopy
Munoz M, Ulrich M, Farges F, Lee D, Merkulova M, Andréani M & Mathon O

(2019) Geochemical Tracers of Fluid-Rock Interactions in Exhumed Mantle Domains: A Comprehensive Study of Serpentinization Processes
Hochscheid F, Ulrich M, Munoz M, Lemarchand D & Manatschal G

(2018) Distribution, Speciation and Enrichment Processes of Scandium in Lateritic Profile of New Caledonia
Munoz M, Ulrich M, Bonnet C, Levard C, Rose J, Ambrosi J-P, Cathelineau M, Teitler Y, Marcaillou C & Hesse B

(2017) Petrology and Geochemistry of Scandium in New Caledonian Ni-Co Laterites
Teitler Y, Cathelineau M, Ulrich M, Ambrosi J-P & Munoz M

(2016) Ni and Fe Bearing Phases and Redox during the Weathering of the New Caledonia Ophiolite
Munoz M, Ulrich M, Cathelineau M & Mathon O

(2011) Weathering Effects on the Mineralogical and Geochemical Composition of the New Caledonia Ophiolite
Ulrich M, Muñoz M, Guillot S, Chauvel C, Cluzel D & Picard C

(2009) The New Caledonia Ophiolite: Multiple Melting Stages and Refertilisation Process as Indicators for Ridge to Subduction Formation
Ulrich M, Picard C, Guillot S, Chauvel C, Cluzel D & Meffre S

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