All abstracts by Takayuki Ushikubo in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Systematic Analyses of Volatile Abundances, Hydrogen and Sulfur Isotope Ratios of Melt InclusionsUshikubo T & Shimizu K
(2024) In situ Sulfur Isotope Analysis of Archean Basalts Associated with the Belingwe Komatiite: Implications for Recycling of Oceanic Lithosphere
Kubota Y, Ushikubo T, Shimizu K, Ishikawa A & Ueno Y
(2022) Large Contribution of Oxygen to Organic Matter Degradation during the Ediacaran Shuram Excursion
Matsu'ura F, Sawaki Y, Komiya T, Ushikubo T, Shimizu K & Ueno Y
(2021) Highly Enriched and Depleted Melt Sources in Mantle Plumes Recorded in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions in Raivavae Ocean Island Basalts
Hanyu T, Shimizu K, Ushikubo T, Kimura J-I, Chang Q & Hamada M
(2020) Extremely High Volatiles of Petit-Spot
Hirano N, Katsuragi Y, Ushikubo T & Shimizu K
(2020) Verification and Correction of Matrix Effect on Water Concentration of Volcanic Glasses by SIMS
Shimizu K, Ushikubo T, Kuritani T, Hirano N & Yamashita S
(2020) Extreme Sulfur Isotope Fractionation in the Seafloor Hydrothermal Deposit of the Okinawa Trough Revealed by SIMS in situ Analysis
Nozaki T, Nagase T, Ushikubo T & Shimizu K
(2019) Early Condensation History from Two Ultrarefractory Inclusions
Kimura M, Komatsu M, Ushikubo T, Imae N & Yamaguchi A
(2019) Total Carbon Dioxide in Melt Inclusions with Shrinkage Bubbles
Hanyu T, Yamamoto J, Kimoto K, Nakamura Y, Shimizu K & Ushikubo T
(2018) Zircon Evidence for Eclogite Facies Metamorphism at 3.9 Ga
Cavosie AJ, Spencer C, Evans NJ, McDonald B, Reddy SM, Wilde SA, Talavera C, Cameron EM, Valley JW, Fournelle J & Ushikubo T
(2018) Two Distinct Chondrule Generations in Acfer 094 Based on 26Al-Ages and Oxygen Isotope Ratios
Hertwig AT, Kimura M, Ushikubo T, Defouilloy C & Kita NT
(2018) Volatile Concentrations and Hydrogen Isotope Ratios of Submarine Glasses from Loihi and Kilauea
Shimizu K, Ushikubo T & Kaneoka I
(2016) Significant Uplift of the Forearc at the Subduction Initiation Inferred from Volcanic Glasses in the Bonin Forearc (IODP Expedition 352)
Shimizu K & Ushikubo T
(2016) Hydrogen Isotope Analyses of Forearc Volcanic Glasses from IODP Exp. 352 Using IMS 1280-HR
Ushikubo T, Shimizu K & Ueno Y
(2016) Instrumental Biases for SIMS Magnesium Isotope Analyses
Kita NT, Ushikubo T, Tenner TJ, Romaniello SJ & Wadhwa M
(2015) Consistent Occurrence of Moderately Elevated δ18O Magmas in Acasta Gneiss Complex from 4.0 to 3.5 Ga
Ushikubo T, Iizuka T, Spicuzza MJ & Valley JW
(2014) Lunar Zircons
Valley J, Spicuzza M & Ushikubo T
(2014) Mixing of Solid Precursors during Formation of FeO-Poor Chondrules in CR3 Chondrites
Tenner T, Nakashima D, Ushikubo T, Kita N & Weisberg M
(2014) Oxygen Isotope Systematics of Chondrules Among Chondrite Groups
Kita NT, Ushikubo T, Tenner TJ & Nakashima D
(2013) Tomography at Single-Atom Scale of 207Pb and 206Pb in a 4374 Ma Zircon
Valley J, Ushikubo T, Cavosie A, Reinhard D, Lawrence D, Martin I, Larson D, Clifton P, Kelly T, Wilde S, Moser D & Spicuzza M
(2013) Coupled Isotopic and Textural Evidence for the Biogenicity of 3.4 Gyrs Old Cell-Like Structures
Lepot K, Williford KH, Ushikubo T, Sugitani K, Mimura K, Spicuzza MJ & Valley JW
(2012) SIMS Carbon Isotope Analysis of Proterozoic Microfossils
Williford K, Ushikubo T, Schopf JW, Lepot K, Kitajima K & Valley J
(2011) Lunar Zircon: Primitive δ18O of Dry Evolved and Mafic Magmas
Valley J, Spicuzza M & Ushikubo T
(2011) Transitional Oxygenation Recorded in the Paleoproterozoic Turee Creek Group, Western Australia
Williford K, Van Kranendonk M, Ushikubo T, Kozdon R & Valley J
(2010) Recent Progress of Small Spot Oxygen Isotope Analysis at WiscSIMS
Ushikubo T, Kita NT & Valley JW
(2010) Eel Larvae may Hatch in the Surface Layer Near the West Mariana Ridge: Ion Microprobe δ18O Analysis with 7 μm Spatial Resolution in Glass Eel Otoliths
Shirai K, Otake T, Kuroki M, Ushikubo T, Kita N, Amano Y, Tsukamoto K & Valley J
(2010) Low δ18O(Zrc) in Plagiogranites at Oman: Evidence for Remelting
Grimes CB, Ushikubo T & Valley JW
(2009) Oxygen Isotopic Ratio of Ocean Zircon
Grimes C, Ushikubo T, John B & Valley J
(2009) Accurate Stable Isotope Analysis by Ion Microprobe
Valley J, Kita N, Ushikubo T, Huberty J, Kozdon R, Page Z, Heck P & Fu B
(2008) Imagery-Correlated High Precision Stable Isotope Analysis
Valley J, Kita N, Ushikubo T, Orland I & Kozdon R
(2008) Internal Isochron of CAI Using High Precision SIMS Mg Isotope Analyses
Kita NT, Ushikubo T, Fournelle J, Knight KB, Mendybaev RA, Davis AM & Richter FM
(2008) Lithium in Jack Hills Zircon: Evidence for Extreme Weathering of Earth’s Crust at 4300 Ma
Ushikubo T, Kita NT, Cavosie AJ, Wilde SA, Rudnick RL & Valley JW
(2008) Intratest Oxygen Isotope Variability in Planktonic Foraminifera: New Insights from in situ Measurements by Ion Microprobe
Kozdon R, Ushikubo T, Kita N & Valley J
(2007) Sub-Micrometer Size High Precision Analysis of δ18O in Zircon by SIMS
Ushikubo T, Page FZ, Kita NT, Riciputi LR & Valley JW
(2003) An Ultra-Refractory Nodule in an Allende Fine-Grained Inclusion: Isotopic Studies Using SIMS
Ushikubo T, Hiyagon H, Kimura M & Hashimoto A
(2002) Mg Isotopic Compositions of W-L and Accretionary Rims of CAIs
Ushikubo T, Hirai K & Hiyagon H