All abstracts by Greg Balco in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) “Virtual Mineral Separation” of Pyroxene from Plagioclase for Cosmogenic 3He Exposure DatingBergelin M & Balco G
(2019) The CREp Chlorine-36 Exposure Age and Depth Profile Calculator
Schimmelpfennig I, Tesson J, Blard P-H, Benedetti L, Zakiri M & Balco G
(2018) Constraints on the Glacial History of West Antarctic Nunataks from Measurements of 10Be, 26Al, and 21Ne in Bedrock Surfaces
Spector P, Stone J, Balco G & Hillebrand T
(2018) A Late Cenozoic Glacial History of the Central Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica Using 3He, 21Ne, and 10Be Surface Exposure Ages
Balter A, Bromley G, Balco G, Thomas H & Jackson M
(2018) Late Quaternary Temperatures Recorded by Cosmogenic 3He in Yosemite Valley Rock Avalanche Deposits
Tremblay M, Uebner M, Shuster D, Stock G & Balco G
(2018) Cosmogenic Noble Gas Systematics in Lithologies Important for Antarctic Exposure-Dating Research
Balco G
(2018) Antarctic Peninsula Exhumation and Landscape Evolution Investigated by Detrital Low-Temperature Thermochronometry
Clinger A, Fox M, Shuster D & Balco G
(2013) Production and Diffusion of Cosmogenic Noble Gases: Using Open-System Behavior to Study Surface Processes
Shuster D, Tremblay M & Balco G
(2013) Quantifying the Open-System Behavior of Cosmogenic Noble Gases in Quartz
Tremblay M, Shuster D & Balco G
(2011) Cosmogenic 21Ne Production Systematics in Quartz Inferred from a 25 m Sandstone Core
Balco G, Shuster D, Blard P-H, Zimmermann L & Stone J
(2010) Unleashing the Full Potential of the 40Ar/39Ar Geochronometer
Renne P, Mundil R, Balco G, Min K & Ludwig K
(2009) Forward Models of Geomorphic Processes Used to Interpret Complex Cosmogenic-Nuclide Data Sets
Balco G, Rood D, Morgan D & Behr W
(2009) Cosmogenic Nuclide Production Rates from Ancient Antarctic Surfaces
Stone J, Fifield K, Finkel R, Rood D, Balco G & Shuster D
(2009) Isochron Burial Dating with 26Al and 10Be: Applications from Landscape Evolution to Human Evolution
Granger D, Balco G & Shen G
(2008) Bedrock Erosion Rates in the Antarctic Dry Valleys
Balco G, Putkonen J, Morgan D, Schaefer J & Winckler G
(2008) The Last Deglaciation of the Eastern Laurentide Ice Sheet
Schaefer JM, Balco G, Kelly M, Hanson G, Finkel R, McCabe M, Steinberg R, Boothroyd J & Schwartz R
(2008) Multiple-Cosmogenic-Nuclide Isochron Methods
Balco G, Rovey C & Granger D
(2006) Calibration of Terrestrial Cosmic-Ray-Produced Nuclides: CRONUS
Caffee MW, Balco G, Finkel RC, Jull AJT, Kurz MD, Lifton N, McGee S, Nishiizumi K, Phillips FM, Schaefer Y, Sisterson J & Stone JO