All abstracts by Peter Vikesland in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2012) Fate, Transport, and Deposition of Gold Nanoparticles in Porous MediaChan M, Hull M, Jones J & Vikesland P
(2010) Uptake and Biotransformation of Gold Nanoparticles by a Freshwater Bivalve
Hull M, Chaurand P, Rose J, Jones J, Gloe K & Vikesland P
(2010) Effects of Oxidation on Nanomagnetite Magnetization, Aggregation, and Sedimentation
Vikesland P & Rebodos R
(2005) Reduction of Halogenated Groundwater Contaminants by Nano-Sized Magnetite
Makus KE & Vikesland P
(2005) Effects of Co-solutes on Bioaugmented Granular Iron Systems
Rebodos R & Vikesland P
(2003) Iron Corrosion Product Identification Using Micro-Raman Spectroscopy
Makus K & Vikesland P