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All abstracts by Igor Maria Villa in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Microstructures, Polygenetic Minerals, Fluids, Retrogression: Details or Factors Controlling the Isotope Record?
Villa IM

(2023) Dating Deformed Rocks at the km Scale: The Role of nm-Scale Processes
Villa IM

(2021) The in Vacuo Release of Ar from Hydrous and Anhydrous Minerals
Villa IM

(2017) Archean Crust-Mantle Evolution: Constraints from the Singhbhum Craton, Eastern India
Pandey OP, Mezger K, Upadhyay D & Villa IM

(2017) Heterogeneous Lead Isotopic Composition of Sulfide Mineral in Janggun Mine, South Korea
Kang J & Villa IM

(2015) Discordance in U-Pb and K-Ar
Hanchar J & Villa I

(2015) Merrihue, Turner, and Reynolds: of Xe, I, Cl, and Ar
Villa IM

(2015) Ion Counter Nonlinearities
Barberini V & Villa IM

(2014) Ar Diffusion in K-Feldspar: Present and Absent
Hanchar JM & Villa IM

(2014) Putting all the Letters in P-T-A-X-d-t
Villa IM

(2013) Half Lives of Nuclides for Geological Use: 2012 Evaluation for 87Rb
Villa IM, Bonardi ML, DeBièvre P, Holden NE & Renne PR

(2013) High Precision Determination of the Terrestrial 40K Abundance
Naumenko M, Mezger K, Nägler T & Villa I

(2013) Polyphase Evolution of the Eastern Ghats Belt (India) – A Multi Mineral Approach Using Rb-Sr and U-Pb Ages
Axelsson E, Mezger K & Villa IM

(2013) K-Feldspar Geochronology: Not Just 39Ar
Chafe AN, Hanchar JM & Villa IM

(2012) Geochronology and Hygrochronology of Metamorphic and Metasomatic Rocks
Villa IM & Williams ML

(2012) Spatial Resolution, Stepwise Release: Connecting the Multi-Isotope Record with Microchemistry and Petrology
Villa IM

(2011) Improving the Accuracy of the 40Ar/39Ar Geochronometer
Morgan L, Mark D, Kuiper K, Postma O, Villa I & Wijbrans J

(2010) The Role of Retrograde Reactions and of Diffusion on 40Ar-39Ar Mica Ages
Allaz J, Engi M, Berger A & Villa IM

(2010) Geohygrometry of K-Feldspars
Villa IM & Hanchar JM

(2010) The Pb-Zn Deposit of Jalta (Northern Tunisia): A Genetic Model Based on Mineralogy, Petrography, and Metallic Trace Elements and Isotope (S, C, O, Pb) Geochemistries
Jemmali N, Souissi F, Vennemann T, Spangenberg J, Villa IM & Bogdanov K

(2009) Riverrun, Past Eve and Adam’s: Molybdenums Wake
Villa IM, Greber N, Haudenschild E, Heri AR, Hofmann B, Neubert N & Nagler TF

(2008) Noble Gas Measurements in Pore Water from Sedimentary Rocks
Latoui K, Villa I, Mazurek M & Waber N

(2008) Refining Sources and Sinks in the Global Molybdenum Cycle
Neubert N, Heri AR, Nägler TF, Böttcher ME & Villa IM

(2007) Non-Skeletal Carbonate Precipitates: Indicators of Molybdenum Isotopic Seawater Composition?
Voegelin AR, Nägler TF, Samankassou E, Bahamonde JR & Villa IM

(2007) Global Ca-Isotope Signatures in post-Snowball Earth Cap-Carbonates
Silva-Tamayo JC, Nagler T, Villa IM, Kyser K, Sial A, Narbonne G, James N & da Silva Filho M

(2005) Estimating lambda(<+>40<$>K) by U-Pb and <+>39<$>Ar-<+>40<$>Ar Dating of the Peralkaline Ilímaussaq Complex, Greenland
Krumrei T, Villa IM, Marks M & Markl G

(2004) U-Th Dating of Paleosols of Known Age at Vico Volcano (Latium, Italy)
Buettner A, Sbrana A & Villa I

(2004) Magma Generation at Nisyros and Yali Volcanoes (Greece): A Multi-Isotope Approach
Rufer D, Buettner A, Kleinhanns I & Villa I

(2004) A Ghost Haunts Mass Spectrometry: Real Isotope Fractionation or Analytical Paradox?
Hippler D, Villa I, Nägler T & Kramers J

(2002) Sayh al Uhaymir 094 ˆ a New Martian Meteorite from the Oman Desert
Gnos E, Hofmann B, Villa IM & Al-Kathiri A

(2002) Geochronology of the Peloritani Mountains (Sicily): Hercynian, pre-Hercynian, but not Alpine
Rotolo SG, De Gregorio S & Villa IM

(2002) What Controls Metamorphic De-Coupling of Lu-Hf from Sm-Nd?
Seth B, Meisel T, Kleinhanns IC, Kramers JD & Villa IM

(2002) Where is Geochronology Going? Alteration and Mineral Mixtures
Villa IM

(2000) Geochronology of Heterogeneous Minerals: 3. Biotites from the Larderello Geothermal Field
Villa IM, Ruggieri G & Puxeddu M

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