All abstracts by Andrea R. Voegelin in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2013) Magmatic and Linked Hydrothermal Processes Fractionate Mo IsotopesGreber ND, Voegelin AR, Pettke T & Nägler TF
(2013) Diagenesis Affects Carbonate δ53Cr: Evidence from the K-Pg Boundary Section at Stevns Klint (Denmark)
Voegelin AR, Frei R, Thibault N, Ullmann CV & Korte C
(2013) Chromium Isotope Record of the Otavi Group, Namibia
Rodler A, Frei R, Gaucher C, Voegelin A, Ullmann CV & Korte C
(2011) Marine Mo Isotope Inventory: The Role of Igneous Rock Weathering
Voegelin AR, Nägler TF, Neubert N, Pettke T, Steinmann M & Pourret O
(2011) Reconnaissance Trace Element and Os-Mo-Nd Isotope Geochemistry of Late Archean Black Shales in the Carajás Iron Ore District, Brazil
Lehmann B, Creaser R, Nägler T, Voegelin A, Belyatsky B, Cabral AR, Galbiatti H & Seabra A
(2009) Mo Isotopes in Archean Carbonates: Ocean Water Evolution, Atmospheric Oxygen and Sulfidity Levels
Voegelin AR, Nägler TF & Beukes NJ
(2008) Mo Isotopic Composition of Pelagic Ooze from ODP Legs 198 and 208: Investigating a Global Signature
Voegelin AR, Nägler TF & Samankassou E
(2007) Non-Skeletal Carbonate Precipitates: Indicators of Molybdenum Isotopic Seawater Composition?
Voegelin AR, Nägler TF, Samankassou E, Bahamonde JR & Villa IM
(2006) Evidence for a gradual rise of oxygen between 2.6 and 2.5 Ga from Mo isotopes and Re-PGE signatures
Wille M, Kramers JD, Nägler TF, Beukes NJ, Meisel T, Voegelin AR, Schröder S & Lacassie JP