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All abstracts by Rodolphe Vuilleumier in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Direct Prediction of Equilibrium Isotope Fractionation from Molecular Dynamics Trajectories: Application to Metal Alloys, Silicate Melts and Hydrothermal Fluids
Blanchard M, Pinilla C, Rabin S & Vuilleumier R

(2023) Platinum Group Elements and Sulfur in Hydrothermal Fluids: A Love Story Told by in situ Spectroscopy, Molecular Dynamics, and Thermodynamics
Laskar C, Bazarkina EF, Kokh MA, Hazemann J-L, Vuilleumier R, Desmaele E & Pokrovski G

(2021) Direct Prediction of Isotopic Properties from Molecular Dynamics Trajectories: Application to Sulfur Radical Species
Blanchard M, Vuilleumier R, Desmaele E & Pokrovski GS

(2021) The Impact of Sulfur on the Transfer of Platinum Group Elements by Geological Fluids
Laskar C, Kokh MA, Bazarkina EF, Desmaele E, Hazemann J-L, Vuilleumier R & Pokrovski GS

(2020) Platinum Speciation and Transport in Sulfur-Rich Hydrothermal Fluids
Laskar C, Pokrovski GS, Kokh M, Hazemann J-L, Bazarkina EF, Desmaele E & Vuilleumier R

(2015) Sulfur Radical Species Form Gold Deposits on Earth
Pokrovski G, Kokh M, Guillaume D, Borisova A, Gisquet P, Jean-Louis H, Lahera E, Del Net W, Proux O, Testemale D, Haigis V, Jonchière R, Seitsonen A, Ferlat G, Vuilleumier R, Saitta M, Boiron M-C & Dubessy J

(2015) The True Effect of CO2 on Silicate Melt Structure: Insights from NMR Spectroscopy and Molecular Dynamic Simulations
Morizet Y, Paris M & Vuilleumier R

(2015) Gold-Sulfur Complexes in Geological Fluids Studied by Means of Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Haigis V, Ferlat G, Seitsonen AP, Pokrovski GS, Hazemann J-L, Saitta AM & Vuilleumier R

(2014) Gold-Sulfur Complexes in Crustal Fluids: Insights from First-Principles Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Haigis V, Jonchière R, Ferlat G, Saitta AM, Seitsonen AP & Vuilleumier R

(2013) CO2 Speciation and Transport Properties of CO2-Bearing Silicate Melts from First-Principle Simulations
Vuilleumier R, Seitsonen A, Sator N & Guillot B

(2013) Equilibrium Isotope Fractionation Factors in Liquids from Path Integral Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Pinilla C, Blanchard M, Ferlat G, Balan E, Vuilleumier R & Mauri F

(2012) First-Principle Simulations of Silver in Hydrothermal Fluids
Vuilleumier R, Jonchiere R, Ferlat G, Saitta AM & Seitsonen AP

(2011) Liquid Carbonates Investigated by First-Principles Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Vuilleumier R, Seitsonen A, Sator N & Guillot B

(2009) Structure and Dynamics in Clays from Molecular Simulations
Marry V, Rotenberg B, Dufrêche J-F, Malikova N, Vuilleumier R & Turq P

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