All abstracts by Laura Mariana Wehrmann in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2014) Revisiting Molar Tooth Structures in Light of a Low Oxygen and Sulfate Mid-Proterozoic OceanHancock L, Lyons T, Reinhard C, Wehrmann L, Bekker A, Olson S & Goldbaum E
(2013) The Cycling and Transport of Glacially Derived Iron in Arctic Fjord Sediments
Wehrmann LM, Formolo MJ, Owens JD, Ferdelman TG, Raiswell R & Lyons TW
(2012) Enhanced Delivery of Bioavailable Fe Through Glacial Processes in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard
Owens JD, Wehrmann LM, Raiswell R & Lyons TW
(2012) Glacially Derived Iron as the Key Driver for Biogeochemical Processes in Arctic Fjord Sediments (West Svalbard)
Wehrmann L, Owens J, Formolo M, Ferdelman T & Lyons T
(2011) Long-Term Development of Diagenetic Signals of Past Sulfate-Methane Transition Zones in Subseafloor Sediments
Wehrmann L, März C, Meister P, Ockert C, Brunner B, Gussone N, Teichert B & Ferdelman T
(2009) Degree of Pyritization and 34S-Values Record Suboxic Conditions in Eastern Equatorial Pacific Sediments (ODP Site 1226)
Meister P, Freund S, Wehrmann L, Brunner B & Ferdelman T
(2009) The Imprint of Methane Seepage on Geochemical Processes in Cold-Water Coral Mounds on Pen Duick Escarpment, Gulf of Cadiz
Wehrmann LM, Templer SP, Maignien L, Bernasconi S, Brunner B & Ferdelman T