All abstracts by Huifang Xu in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Extreme Hydroclimate Events between Early-1100s and Mid-1200s Recorded in the Deep Springs Lake, California: Constraint from Carbonate MineralsCheng J & Xu H
(2024) Hematite Nanocrystal in Early Archean Dresser Formation Jaspilite: Implications for Surface Oxygen Level ~3.5 Ga
Zhou T, Lee S, Roden EE & Xu H
(2024) Micro-Craters and Phase Transformations Induced by Supersonic Microprojectile Impacts
Xu H, Lee S, Cai J & Thevamaran R
(2023) Cation Ordering, Phase Transformation and Miscibility Gaps in Silicate Garnet Ugrandite Ternary System
Xu H, Jin S, Lee S & Brown PE
(2023) Amino Acid and Chitin Controlled Ca-Mg Carbonate Precipitation
Fang Y, Lee S, Xu H & Farfan GA
(2022) Dissolved Silica Driven Dolomite Precipitation in the Great Salt Lake, Utah
Fang Y, Hobbs F & Xu H
(2020) Precipitation of Disordered Dolomite Catalyzed by Dissolved Silica
Fang Y & Xu H
(2020) Chemistry and Structures Behind the Brilliant Iridescent Labradorite
Jin S, Xu H & Lee S
(2019) Nano-Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Bioapatite in REE-Rich Deep-Sea Sediments: LA-ICP-MS and TEM Studies
Liao J, Sun X & Xu H
(2018) Structures of High Temperature Ca-Rich Plagioclase Feldspar – A Single-Crystal Neutron and X-Ray Diffraction Study
Jin S, Wang X & Xu H
(2018) Microstructural Characterization of Zinc Sulfides from Modern Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems: Insights into Au-Ag Enrichment Mechanisms
Wu Z, Sun X, Xu H, Konishi H, Lu Y & Cao K
(2018) Dolomite Formation Catalyzed by Sulfate-Driven Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane
Lu Y, Sun X, Xu H, Konishi H, Lin Z & Peckmann J
(2018) Solving Crystal Structures and Constructing Size-Dependent Phase Maps for Nano-Minerals
Xu H
(2017) Luogufengite: An Fe2O3 Nanomineral with Unique Magnetic Property
Xu H, Lee S & Xu H
(2017) Roles of Nanopores in Enhancing Adsorption of Dissolved Mo and U Anoins / Metal-Complexes
Xu H
(2016) Mineral Structure of Black Talc from Guangfeng County, China: Implications to its Formation and Material Properties
Li C, Wang R, Xu H, Lu X, Konishi H & He K
(2016) Catalysis in Low-Temperature Geochemical Process: A Key to the Sedimentary Dolomite Enigma
Xu H
(2016) A Quantitative Phase Map of Nanometeric Iron(III) Oxide
Lee S & Xu H
(2014) Microbial Chemolithoautotrophic Oxidation of Pyrite at Neutral pH
Percak-Dennett E, Roden E, Xu H, Konishi H, Chan C, Bhattacharyya A & Borch T
(2012) Effect of Water and Sulfide on Magnesium Carbonate Crystallization
Teng H, Xu H, Zhang F & Xu J
(2012) Sweet Spot for the Formation of Sedimentary Dolomite
Xu H
(2010) The Effect of Nanopores on U(VI) Adsorption / Desorption at Mineral – Solution Interface
Sun Y, Xu H, Jung H-B, Konishi H, Chen T & Roden EE
(2010) Nonlinear Dynamics of Banded Iron Formation Precipitation
Wang Y, Xu H & Merino E
(2010) Graphitic Carbon in the Pyrite Rods in the Sediment of South China Sea as a Mineral Indicator for Gas Hydrates
Zhang M, Konishi H, Sun X, Xu H, Lu Y & Xu L
(2010) Silician Magnetite from the Dales Gorge Banded Iron Formation
Huberty J, Konishi H, Fournelle J, Heck P, Valley J & Xu H
(2010) Experimental Studies of Microbial Fe(III)-Phyllosilicate Reduction in Subsurface Sediments
Wu T, Shelobolina E, Xu H, Kukkadapu R & Roden E
(2010) Occurrence of SS-Cristobalite Precipitates in Omphacite of UHP Eclogite and its Petrological Implication
Xu H, Konishi H & Sun X
(2010) Microbial Oxidation and Mineralogical Alteration of Biotite
Shelobolina E, Xu H, Konishi H, Kukkadapu R, Wu T & Roden E
(2010) Abiotic Synthesis of Disordered Dolomite in Agar Gel Medium
Zhang F, Xu H, Konishi H, Shelobolina E & Roden E
(2010) Dolomite, Dolomitization, and Dolomite Problem: A New Song with Old Tune
Xu H
(2010) Microbial Reduction of Solid-Phase Humic Substances and Electron Shuttling to Fe(III) Oxide
Roden E, Kappler A, Bauer I, Jiang J, Paul A, Stoesser R, Konishi H & Xu H
(2009) Microbially-Mediated Anaerobic Redox Cycling of Iron and Nitrogen in Sediments
Coby A, Shelobolina E, Xu H, Roden E & Picardal F
(2009) Crystal Orientation Effects on Bias of δ18O in Magnetite by SIMS
Huberty J, Kita N, Heck P, Kozdon R, Fournelle J, Xu H & Valley J
(2008) Polycrystalline Diamond Inclusions in Jack Hills Zircon: Carbonado?
Konishi H, Xu H, Spicuzza M & Valley J
(2008) Substrate-Controlled Crystallization of Calcite and Aragonite
Zhang F, Xu H, Farfan G, Huberty J, Konishi H & Roden E
(2008) Smart Minerals for Hydrogen Production and Environmental Clean up Using Renewable Solar Energy
Xu H & Yeredla R
(2008) Microbe-Templated Calcite Nano-Fibers in Chinese Loess Plateau: Potential Carbon Dioxide Sinker
Xu H & Chen T
(2008) Pleochroism in Calcic Labradorite from Oregon: Effects from Size and Orientation of Nano- and Micro- Precipitates of Copper and Pyroxene
Farfan G & Xu H
(2008) Surface Chemistry and Stability of Nanostructured Materials in Natural Aquatic Environments
Wang Y, Gao H, Xu H, Siegel M & Konishi H
(2008) Nano-Minerals: Size-Dependent Crystal Structure, Shape and Chemical Reactivity Changes
Xu H & Barnard A