All abstracts by Qing-Zhu Yin in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Late Neoproterozoic Large-Scale Magmatism in the Northern Margin of South China Craton and its Impact on Marinoan GlaciationLan Z, Huyskens M, Le Hir G, Mitchell RN, Yin Q-Z, Zhang G & Li X-H
(2022) Fractionation of Zn Isotopes by Post Accretion Volatile Loss from the Moon
Wimpenny J, Render J, Sio CKI, Borg LE, Sanborn M, Yin Q-Z & Huyskens M
(2022) How do I and Pu Partition during Core Formation? Constraints from First-Principles Molecular Dynamics and Implications
Liu W, Zhang Y, Tissot FLH, Avice G & Yin Q-Z
(2018) Experimental Determination of Zn Isotope Fractionation during Evaporation
Wimpenny J, Marks N, Knight K, Rolison J, Ryerson R, Badro J, Sanborn M, Huyskens M & Yin Q-Z
(2017) Was 26Al Heterogeneously Distributed in the Early Solar System?
Yin Q-Z, Sanborn M, Huyskens M & Amelin Y
(2017) Novel Metalorganic Compounds Revealed in Meteorites
Ruf A, Kanawati B, Yin Q-Z, Moritz F, Harir M, Lucio M, Shilobreeva S, Gabelica Z, Gougeon RD, Quirico E, Haack H, Gonsior M, Jenniskens P, Hinman NW & Schmitt-Kopplin P
(2016) Ti-Cr-O Isotope Systematics and the Dichotomy of Planetary Materials
Williams C, Sanborn M & Yin Q-Z
(2016) Cr and O Isotope Systematics in Carbonaceous Chondrite Chondrules
Defouilloy C, Sanborn M, Yamakawa A, Kita N, Ebel D & Yin Q
(2016) Dating the Earth-Like Reservoir Formation in the Solar Nebula with Enstatite Chondrite
Yin Q-Z, Gaidos E, Sanborn M & Li S
(2016) Fractionation of Radiogenic Pb Isotopes Induced by Acid Leaching: A Pervasive Phenomenon in Pb-Isotopic Dating of Meteorites
Amelin Y, Yin Q, Koefoed P, Merle R, Huyskens M & Iizuka T
(2016) Mn-Cr Chronology of Vesta and Other Vestoids
Sanborn M & Yin Q-Z
(2016) U Isotopic Composition of Allende Chondrules and Implications for Pb-Pb Geochronology
Huyskens MH, Yin Q-Z, Sanborn ME, Amelin Y, Merle R & Yamashita K
(2015) Mg and Cr Isotope Systematics of Allende CAIs
Yamashita K, Wimpenny J, Sanborn M & Yin Q-Z
(2014) Missing Pb, High 3He/4He, Ancient Sulfides and Continental Formation
Huang S, Lee C-T & Yin Q-Z
(2014) Light Elements in the Core and their Constraints on the Timing of the Moon-Forming Giant Impact
Yin Q-Z & Zhang Y
(2014) Calcium-Isotope Fractionation between Solution and Solids with Six, Seven, or Eight Oxygens Bound to Ca(II)
Colla C, Wimpenny J, Yin Q-Z, Rustad J & Casey W
(2014) Δ17O-ε54Cr Systematics as a Forensic Tool for Investigating Isotopic Domains in the Early Solar System
Sanborn M, Yin Q-Z, Yamakawa A, Irving AJ & Amelin Y
(2014) Understanding Temporal and Spatial Geochemical and Isotopic Variations in a Large Silicic Volcanic Center, Taupo Volcanic Zone, NZ
Rubin A, Cooper K, Wimpenny J & Yin Q-Z
(2014) Al-Mg and Mn-Cr Systematics in CAIs from NWA 4502
Wimpenny J, Sanborn M, Yin Q-Z, Yamakawa A, Sapah M, Ireland T, Stirling C, Cooke I & Krot A
(2014) 53Mn-53Cr Systematics of Unique Achondrite Northwest Africa 6704
Sanborn M, Yamakawa A, Yin Q-Z, Wimpenny J, Amelin Y & Irving AJ
(2014) Elemental Comparison of Sutter's Mill and Murchison
Cahill T, Barberie S & Yin Q-Z
(2014) The Behaviour of Mg Isotopes during the Formation of Clay Minerals
Wimpenny J, Colla C, Yin Q-Z, Rustad J & Casey W
(2014) Branching Ratios in VUV Induced Dissociation of CO and N2: Implications for Isotopic Compositions of the Sun
Shi X, Yin Q-Z, Gao H, Chang Y-C, Jackson WM, Wiens RC & Ng C-Y
(2013) Geological History of 4-Vesta: 26Al-26Mg Dating on Eucrites and Diogenites
Hublet G, Debaille V, Wimpenny J & Yin Q-Z
(2013) Can Diffusion Cause Discrepant Lu-Hf Isochrons in Meteorites?
Debaille V, Yin Q-Z & Amelin Y
(2013) Allende Chondrule Chronology Revisited: Eroding Age Gap between CAIs and Chondrules
Yin Q-Z, Yamakawa A, Sanborn M & Yamashita K
(2013) Magmatic Evolution at Yellowstone: The Role of Isotopically Juvenile Magma Inferred from Zircon Age, Trace-Element, and Hf Isotope Data
Stelten M, Cooper K, Vazquez J, Wimpenny J & Yin Q-Z
(2013) Mg Isotope Evidence for Early Dolomite Formation in a Marinoan Cap Carbonate
Shen B, Wimpenny J, Yin Q-Z, Lee C-T, Xiao S & Zhou C
(2012) Compositional Heterogeneity within the Yellowstone Magma Reservoir: Insight from Zircon Age, Trace-Element, and Hf-Isotopic Analyses
Stelten M, Cooper K, Vazquez J, Wimpenny J, Barfod G & Yin Q-Z
(2012) Stagnant-Lid Tectonics in Early Earth Revealed by 142Nd Variations in Late Archean Rocks
Debaille V, O'Neill C, Brandon A, Haenecour P, Yin Q-Z, Mattielli N & Treiman A
(2012) Light Elements in the Core and Equilibration Degree with Silicate Mantle: Perspective from First-Principles Molecular Dynamics
Zhang Y & Yin Q-Z
(2012) The Last Stages of Terrestrial Planet Formation: Dynamical Friction and the Late Veneer
Schlichting H, Warren P & Yin Q-Z
(2011) Copper Systematics in Arc Magmas and Implications for the Origin of Continents, the Pb-Paradox, and Copper Porphyry Deposits
Lee C-T, Chin E, Bouchet R, Luffi P, Dasgupta R, Morton D, le Roux V, Yin Q-Z, Albarède F & Blichert-Toft J
(2011) The Great Volatile Delivery to Earth
Albarède F, Ballhaus C, Lee C-T, Yin Q-Z & Blichert-Toft J
(2011) Tracing Changes in the East Asian Monsoon Using the Mg Isotope Record in a Loess-Paleosol Sequence from Luochuan, China
Wimpenny J, Yin Q-Z, Tollstrup D, Xie L-W & Sun J
(2011) Critical Review of Hf-W and U-Pb Clocks for Terrestrial Core Formation
Yin Q-Z, Lee C-T, Blichert-Toft J & Albarède F
(2011) Experimental Test of the CO Self-Shielding Model for the Early Solar System's Oxygen Isotope Evolution
Shi X, Yin Q-Z, Luo Z, Huang H & Ng C-Y
(2011) Emplacement of Passive Margin Sediments into Deep Crustal Hot Zones of Continental Arcs: Interplay of Tectonic and Magmatic Thickening in the Formation of Continental Crust
Chin E, Lee C-T, Tollstrup D, Xie L, Wimpenny J & Yin Q
(2010) Iron Isotope Fractionation in the Lower Mantle
Rustad J & Yin Q-Z
(2009) Quantifying the Roles of Igneous Differentiation and Chemical Weathering on the Formation of Continental Crust
Lee C-T, Shen B, Jacobsen B, Yin Q-Z, Morton D, Horodyskyj U, Little M & Leeman W
(2009) 53Mn-53Cr Evidence for Allende Chondrule Formation at 4567.6 Ma
Yin Q-Z, Yamashita K, Yamakawa A, Jacobsen B, Ebel D, Hutcheon I & Nakamura E
(2009) NanoSIMS Investigation of 36Cl-36S Systematics in the Early Solar System
Jacobsen B, Matzel J, Hutcheon I, Ramon E, Krot A, Ishii H, Nagashima K & Yin Q-Z
(2008) Ephemeral Evaporation History of the First Solids in the Early Solar System
Jacobsen B, Yin Q-Z, Moynier F, Amelin Y, Krot A, Nagashima K & Hutcheon I
(2008) Testing “Self-Shielding” Model for the Early Solar Nebula with Laboratory Experiment
Chang C, Yin Q-Z & Ng C-Y
(2008) Dating the First Stage of Planet Formation via Mn-Cr Chronometry
Moynier F, Yin Q-Z & Jacobsen B
(2008) The Age, Duration, and Depth of a Turbulent Magma Ocean in Mars
Debaille V, Brandon AD, Yin Q-Z & Jacobsen B
(2008) Isotopic and Elemental Constraints on the First 100 Myr of Earth History
Yin Q-Z & Antognini J
(2008) Toward Understanding Early Earth Evolution: Prescription for Approach from Terrestrial Noble Gases and Light Elements Records in Lunar Soils
Ozima M, Yin Q-Z, Podosek F & Miura Y
(2007) Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd Isotopic Study of Martian Meteorites: Implications for Early Differentiation on Mars
Debaille V, Yin Q-Z, Brandon AD & Jacobsen B
(2007) Accretion and Early Differentiation History of the Earth Based on Extinct and Long-Lived Chronometers
Jacobsen S, Ranen M, Petaev M, Remo J & Yin Q
(2002) 182Hf-182W, Accretion of the Earth and Origin of the Moon
Jacobsen S & Yin Q
(2002) 182Hf-182W in Meteorites and the Timescale for Planetary Formation
Yin Q-Z, Jacobsen SB, Yamashita K, Blichert-Toft J, Telouk P & Albarede F