All abstracts by Nasrrddine Youbi in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) The Late Neoproterozoic LIP in the Northwestern Part of the West African Craton: Evidences from Stratigraphy, Geochronology, Geochemistry and Nd Isotopes of the Ouarzazate Group, Anti Atlas, MoroccoOusbih M, Ikenne M, Cousens B, Chelle-Michou C, El Bilali H, Gaouzi A, Markovic S, Askkour F, Mouhajir M, el Mouden S, Youbi N & Ernst RE
(2023) Carbon Isotope Record of the Precambrian-Cambrian Transition in the Anti-Atlas Mountains of Morocco
Mghazli K, Bekker A & Youbi N
(2022) The Jebilet-Rehamna-Fourhal Large Igneous Province of 348-340 ma (Meseta, Variscan Belt, Morocco): U-Pb Geochronology, Geochemistry, and Links with Coeval Magmatism on Other Crustal Blocks
Moutbir O, Ait lahna A, Khadraoui FZ, Youbi N, Tassinari C, Ernst RE, El Bilali H & Hadimi I
(2022) High-Precision U-Pb Zircon Geochronology of the Oued Dar’a Caldera Supereruptions (Ouarzazate Supergroup, Saghro Massif, Anti-Atlas, Morocco)
Oukhro R, Wotzlaw J-F, Mediany MA, Youbi N, Ait lahna A, Ernst RE & El Bilali H
(2022) Stratigraphy, Geochronology, Geochemistry and Nd Isotopes of the Late Ediacaran Ouarzazate Group Series from Eastern and Central Anti Atlas – (Morocco)
Ousbih M, Ikenne M, Cousens B, Chelle-Michou C, El Bilali H, Markovic S, Gaouzi A, Askkour F, Mouhajir M, el Mouden S, Youbi N & Ernst RE
(2022) The Ouarzazate Supergroup Volcanic Successions in the Anti-Atlas (Morocco): Evidence for Three Successive Eruptive Cycles
Mediany MA, Oukhro R, Youbi N, Boumehdi MA, Bensalah MK, Ait lahna A, Ernst RE & El Bilali H
(2022) The Central Iapetus Magmatic Province: An Updated Review and Link with the ca. 580 Ma Gaskiers Glaciation
Youbi N
(2021) Improving our Understanding of LIP Emplacement Ages Using Petrology, Thermal Modelling, and Geochemistry of Zircon Crystals: A Case Study from the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province
Davies JHFL, Marzoli A, Bertrand H, Youbi N, Ernesto M, Greber ND, Ackerson M, Simpson G, Bouvier A-S, Baumgartner LP, Pettke T, Farina F & Schaltegger U
(2021) Some Examples of X-Ray Micro-Computed Tomography Applied to Mantle Petrology
Venier M, Ziberna L, Mancini L, Kao AP, Bernardini F, Youbi N, Majigsuren Y, Lenaz D & De Min A
(2020) LIP Record Through Time and Implications for Secular Environmental Changes and GTS Boundaries
Ernst R, Bond D, Zhang S-H, Buchan K, Grasby S, Youbi N, El Bilali H, Bekker A & Doucet L
(2020) Twihinate-Lamlaga Cretaceous Carbonatites and Related REE, Nb and Apatite Deposits in the Reguibat Shield (Dakhla Province, Morocco)
Malainine CE, Ouabid M, Bodinier J-L, Parat F, Raji O, Dautria J-M, Youbi N, Boumehdi MA & J. Garrido C
(2019) Deep Carbon in CAMP and the T-J Mass Extinction: New Perspectives on LIPs Through Melt Inclusions
Capriolo M, Marzoli A, Aradi LE, Callegaro S, Dal Corso J, Bartoli O, Newton RJ, Wignall PB, Mills BJW, Baker DR, Youbi N, Spiess R & Szabó C
(2019) LIPs as Proxies for Natural Precambrian Boundaries
Ernst R, Zhang S-H & Youbi N
(2019) Multiple LIP Pulses of the Central Iapetus Magmatic Province (CIMP) and Link with Glaciations during the Ediacaran-Cambrian
Youbi N, Ernst RE, Söderlund U, Boumehdi MA, Bensalah MK, Mata J, Madeira J, Ait Lahna A, Gaeta Tassinari CC & El Moume W
(2018) Did the Central Iapetus Magmatic Province (CIMP) Event Both Trigger and End the c. 580 Ma Gaskiers Glaciation?
Youbi N, Ernst R, Soderlund U, Boumehdi MA & Ait Lahna A
(2017) The Link between Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) and Glaciations
Ernst R, Youbi N & Soderlund U
(2017) Did the Central Iapetus Magmatic Province (CIMP) Trigger and Drive the Gaskiers Glaciation and the Cambrian Bioradiation ?
Youbi N, Ernst R, Soderlund U & Boumehdi MA
(2016) Trace Element Contents of Spinels from African Mantle Xenoliths
Lenaz D, Musco ME, Petrelli M, Caldeira R, de Ignacio C, De Min A, Marzoli A, Mata J, Perugini D, Princivalle F, Boumehdi MA & Youbi N
(2013) Direct Link between End-Triassic CAMP Volcanism, C-Cycle Perturbation and Mass Extinction
Marzoli A, Dal Corso J, Tateo F, Jenkyns H, Bertrand H & Youbi N
(2011) The Mesozoic Evolution of the West Iberian Margin as Witnessed by Magma Geochemistry
Mata J, Alves CF, Miranda R, Martins L, Madeira J, Terrinha P, Youbi N, Bensalah M & Azevedo MDR
(2007) Geochemical Evidence for Extensive Carbonate Assimilation by CAMP Tholeiites from Algarve (S Portugal)
Martins L, Munhá J, Madeira J, Youbi N, Mata J & Kerrich R
(2006) The genesis of CAMP basalts (Morocco) from enriched lithosphere to late asthenosphere mantle sources
Marzoli A, Bertrand H, Chiaradia M, Fontignie D, Youbi N & Bellieni G